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VGN-FZ11M Recovery Discs Disaster...


VGN-FZ11M Recovery Discs Disaster...

Ill try to make it short

Bought the new laptop, had vista, felt like trying xp, burned 3 recovery dvd´s using the recovery utility. It created 3 dvd´s successfully, i marked the cd´s with the names as the guide said.

Now 2 weeks later i felt like going back to vista and I insert the first sys recovery disc nothing happens...I restart, nothing happens, tried all 3 dvd´s same thing. Inspect the dvd´s find out that the first disc is read as empty...which is insane because I can clearly see that its been written by the darker area on the bottom side.

Really mad now because of this, 2 of the 3 created dvd´s have data on them but the most important one (first cd) seems to got messed up.

Guess now i have to order the cd´s from sony and pay for this that even possible? No one else to blaim but me for not making sure the 3 dvds were burned correctly...but I had no reason to because the damn recovery utility prog didnt say anything that the burning had failed.


Hi Cantstandya

Restart your Vaio, when you see the Vaio logo try pressing F10 repeatedly this normally would start the recovery process..


Tried that, nothing happens. Dont see how that would work if the "hidden" partition is gone and the first recovery disc is empty.

Wonder how much ill have to pay for the recovery dvd´s...probably going to take like a month before I get them. Just adding to the anger... :devil:

Tried that, nothing happens. Dont see how that would work if the "hidden" partition is gone

Ahh you didn't mention the recovery partition had been removed.. :wink:

Then yes you will have to purchase a new set of discs from Vaio-Link (about €90 I think was the price mentioned on the forum).. :slight_frown:


90€ not too bad, i just e-mailed the vaio support thru my own profile where I registered the computer. Couldnt find the direct link for ordering this recovery kit. Maybe you know where it is? So i dont have to wait for their support to reply like a week probably.

Hi Cantstandya

As far as I know there is not a direct link for ordering recovery disc sets, you can telephone Vaio-Link Monday till Friday between 8 AM until 6 PM, this may be quicker than e-support.. :wink: