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VGN-FS315B notebook has DIED on me. Won´t start up. PLEASE HELP!


VGN-FS315B notebook has DIED on me. Won´t start up. PLEASE HELP!

My notebook is two years old. It was on the other day, I was using it whilst charging from the mains and suddenly the whole thing went dead. I tried to turn it on again but to no avail. All the lights come on but stay on permanently, they don´t flash like normal, nothing boots up, the screen stays black. My local computer shop have had a look and say it needs to go back to Sony for repair. They have managed to access the hard drive and backup my documents. They said it may be an electrical fault.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? I would really appreciate any help as I´m very wary of sending it back to Sony and being charged a fortune! Thanks in advance.


We desktop users need to stick together Jumpy - there aren't many of us left!!

When it does recover, does the Operating System say it has just recovered from a serious problem or does it start normally? (ie. has the OS shut it down or is it a hardware fault).

Probably find it is the Diode Valve or the Cat's Whisker!


I am currently having a similar problem with my desktop.

It shuts itself down randomly for no reason, despite the temperature not being high at all.

When I try to power up again its as if it is unplugged.
The only way I can get it on again is to turn the wall socket off, leave for about 30 seconds, then turn back on.

I suspect this too could be static / electrical related. Any ideas?

Hi Jumpy,

could this possibly be the power supply unit..?

Does your PSU's fan work.?