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Vaio TR1MP overheating ?


Vaio TR1MP overheating ?

Hi all...

I have a Vaio TR1MP and have had it for the last 4 years but I just wanted to know from any of the engineers/owners of one, if the TR1MP has a cooling fan inside it to cool the processor/GPU down ?
The only reason I ask is that lately the laptop has been blue screening quite often even when nothing intensive is running, and when I place my hand over the cooling vent on the right hand side of the laptop between the MagicGate slot and the VGA connector, all I can feel is hot air coming out naturally.
For the life of me I can't remember if the internal heat was being dissipated by an internal fan or not, so just need a Vaio engineer/owner to tell me how the heat is being pumped out, because I think the blue screening maybe caused by overheating due to a failed internal fan.
Have any of the engineers heard of overheating in the TR1MP before ?




Hi Ed

what is the normal running temperature of your vaio..?

If your unsure, mobilemeter is a handy application to use.. :slight_smile:


Hi Thalamus,

Well i've run Mobilemeter as u suggested and the readings I get are:

When busy
Frequency - 900mhz
Temperature - 52c
Charge Rate - 0.00w
HDD 0 - 60c

At rest
Frequency - 600mhz
Temperature - between 50-52c
Charge Rate - between 0.00-0.08w
HDD 0 - between 55-59c

Seems like it's going to blow...

And no, I don't have anything surrounding or blocking the laptop as it sits on an empty table, which has a glass surface.
Wierd thing is that when u first switch it on for the day, it'll blue screen a couple of times or complete freeze up, and then after all the reboots it settles down for the rest of the day, but it's still hot coming out of the side. There has been no data corruption at all. I've run Virus Scan's/Malware Scans and found nothing. I've even deleted/wiped the hard disk and rerun the installation discs and still it does the same thing...
Hope you can help...



I think the main problem is the fan closest to your hard disk, on the right hand side.