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Can anyone help me? I have a Vaio PCG215M thats out of warranty and I think my screen has gone as I am getting half of it ok and the lower half a lot lighter and its hard to see. Does anyone know if I can get a new screen as the laptop is fine apart from the screen.
Hi minnieme and welcome to Club Vaio.
Just check it is the screen first by borrowing an external monitor and checking that is OK.
Hi Blencogo
Thanks, I have just tried it on an external screen and its working perfectly so I think it must be the laptop screen.
Do you know how I can get one?
Hi Minnieme.
The problem is that it could be the screen itself, it could be the backlight, it could be the inverter, it could be in the wiring harness, it could be in the commections to the graphics chip or main board.
You may need to find a local engineer to identify the actual problem.
If you can isolate the part at fault, it will probably be available from NextTronics - they are in the US but will ship worldwide.