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Slow Gigabit Ethernet and USB2 on Vaio TZ


Slow Gigabit Ethernet and USB2 on Vaio TZ

Hi everyone,
I have a problem on my new TZ and I was wondering if any of you would have experienced it (tried a search, no hits).
When I connect my TZ on my gigabit network, I get fast ethernet connection and performance, not gigabit. The light on my switch is amber, not green, showing it's not recognized as a gigabit connection. As a result, I get a speed which is around 10Mb/s. Of course, if I connect another gigabit ethernet laptop (TM8106WLMI) using the same cable, I get a proper gigabit connection (green light on the switch) and performance (30MB/s).
When I connect an external USB2 drive, I get USB 1.1 perf, not USB2 (around 12MB/s). The same drive in firewire (it's a Seagate 100MB / 5400rpm) returns 28MB/s on the TZ. Connected to another USB2 laptop, I get around 22MB/s.
As I understand it, the ethernet on the TZ is a USB to ethernet, so the two problems may be related...
So, has anyone tried gigabit/USB2 connections on the TZ and got ACTUAL gigabit/USB2 performance?


In case anyone is interested, I found the solution at least to the USB problem. It looks like the internal DVD drive (which is connected through USB to the motherboard) eats up a lot of the bandwith when idling. I switched the DVD off and I got the 22-23MB/s I was expecting from my external HD. Swith the DVD on and you get 12-15 MB/s...
So if you need full performance from a USB2 device, remember to switch the internal DVD off!