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"OMG" I have Created Dual Boot......


"OMG" I have Created Dual Boot......

Yes you guessed it iv been fiddling about these early hours of this morning & I have just created a MONSTER on my AR21S It's amazing (sorry got carried away there :laughing: )

I Have created a DUAL Boot of VISTA Ultimate & XP I Have what you call the best of both Worlds going on right now. What i can't use in VISTA i got XP, an vise Versa. I think i'm going to make a product guide or something :laughing: Problem now is Do i boot to XP or VISTA mmmmmmmmmmm

I know il keep restarting it constantly for the next two days


Well done, but was that really such a difficult thing to achieve?



Been a AR21S owner myself, i'd be very interest to hear what works and what doesn't work with the Vista installation, and the driver states etc.

I have applied for the Free Vista upgrade, but have yet to recieve it..

Are the graphics drivers ok? Does Blu-ray etc work o.k under Vista? Like WINDVD-BD, and Recording to BD etc...

I'm tempted to do a clean installation..

Also what is the VIsta "Score" for the 21S, and does it seem slower/faster than XP ?

Cheers Mate..



Because my laptop wasnt purchased after october of last year I wasnt able to get the upgrade for vista, so I bought the oem version of vista and installed that on a 2nd hard drive that I bought for the laptop. When installing vista it gives you the option of installing it on any hard drive it detects.

So its not that hard to make a dual boot system as it puts all the files on the 1st hard drive and configures the boot system on its own.

So like Resonate says it gives you the option of starting xp or vista up.

My notebook is the AR11B with a score of 3.3 on Vista. Just got to install the drivers that Sony Vaio have hidden on their FTP server.

Damn here was me hoping you dual booted with Mac OS and Windows Vista.... oh well


Well done, but was that really such a difficult thing to achieve?

This is like a miricle for me to do took me long enough to make a custom XP disk

Damn here was me hoping you dual booted with Mac OS and Windows Vista.... oh well

I am on the road to a Triple boot in Theory im there but i got Certain challenges with it because the Mac got weird command lines i don't know & proberly never will i can run it on a third partion with VMware no problem but its getting it From virtual to disk :slight_smile: