
My Club VAIO

My Notebook is the VAIO VGN-SZ4XN/C with VISTA Business. I have downloaded the newest version of My Club VAIO (V1.0). When i am starting this Application (My Club Vaio) i am getting the following error msg:

access violation at address 0066DC75 in module 'SynchApp.exe'. Read of
address 00000000.

and the Application My Club VAIO do not work anymore.

Is somebody in this formum who know also this problem? .... and found a solution therefore?

Many thanks for your feedback's

Mein Notebook ist das Vaio VGN-SZ4XN/C mit dem Betriebssystem Vista Business. Ich habe die neueste Version (1.0) der My Club VAIO Software gedownloaded. Alles hat prima geklappt. Sobald ich nun "My Club VAIO" starte erhalte ich die folgende Fehlermeldung:

access violation at address 0066DC75 in module 'SynchApp.exe'. Read of
address 00000000.

und "Nichts" geht mehr.

Kennt Jemand dieses Problem und hat evtl. einen Lösungsvorschlag?

Herzlichen Dank für Feedback's


Hi arohne

welcome to Club vaio..

Did you have a problem with My Club Vaio prior to installing the My Club VAIO patch version 1.0..?

Have you tried a system restore to a point before you installed the My Club VAIO patch version 1.0..?


If you google on SynchApp.exe, you will find that multiple persons in different countries are reporting exactly the same problem.
It seems more appropriate that Club Vaio, alias Sony provides a solution for this problem rather than this typical help desk employee's response: Have you done a system restore ?



Well if you do the system restore you will find that the problem usually goes away so personally think that it is a good starting point.

If you want to avoid wasting time on the phone do the system restore before you ring and then you can get down to sorting it out.


If you google on SynchApp.exe, you will find that multiple persons in different countries are reporting exactly the same problem.
It seems more appropriate that Club Vaio, alias Sony provides a solution for this problem rather than this typical help desk employee's response: Have you done a system restore ?


Hi Catsup,

welcome to Club Vaio.. :slight_smile:

We have seen several posts on this forum regarding MyClubVaio, the patch does normally solve the problem but sadly not in all cases.. :slight_frown:

In case your not aware all of the ClubVaio experts, except Tweety2b, are not Sony employees but Vaio users like yourself who give their time freely to assist in solving members problems where possible..

Club Vaio is a primarily a self help forum, official technical support can always be sought by contacting Vaio-link...