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MFC application not working. (help requested from Club Vaio experts)


MFC application not working. (help requested from Club Vaio experts)

Dear All

is the following message:

MFC application not working

software or hardware related. I get it every time i try to shut dowm my intervideo WinDVD BD for Vaio - essentially resulting in the program failing to close /crashing / freezing.

Is this software or hardware - can you advise

i) which one it is so i can direct mt questions to esupport at sony and

ii) of solutions you have without going to some recovery mode

Also does anyone know why Sony refuse to give a copy or send me a link of the intervideo WinDVD BD for Vaio software - i want to delete my software and reload - i reckon that this will be the simplest fastest solution - unless it is hardware related.

Surely i have paid for the software (and have licenses) since it came pre-loaded onto my laptop which was purchased from Sony!! So why cant i have it? who do i get in touch with to get a copy (without paying for it again) - sony or corel?????


rajivbhalla :thinking: :slight_frown:


Hi rajivbhalla,

have you installed the latest InterVideo WinDVD BD update for your Vaio.. :thinking:

You can download updates via the Sony Vaio support download site using the following link: Sony Vaio downloads



I have been diected to these - but w/o success - the only update refers to version 8 - and when i attempted load it aborted through the run saying my version (which i assume is the basic pone since it came pre-loaded onto the sony laptop) is not compatible

the real question is whether it is software versus hardware?

I have been bounced all over the place when i have used the sony esupport - without any sense and without a solution

do you also know if i can play my bluray discs using any other free software ie windows media player??

ideally i would like to get this intervideo fixed - i dont want to be pay for alternative software sine i have essentially paid for it by purchasing my laptop from sony

any help would be greatly appreciated


rajivbhalla :slight_frown:

Hi rajivbhalla ,

What model Vaio do you have.?

What version Win DVD do you currently have installed on your vaio.?

To check the version number, launch Intervideo WinDVD BD for Vaio, then right click on the WinDVD BD for Vaio application window, from the list select Set-Up.

In the new Set-Up window select the Information Tab.



I had the same problem 3 days ago.

MFC application not working, I couldnt play my spidy disc.

It's a software problem. In particular a download conflict from Sony vaio update.

Theo short way around is to find what you have downloaded from vaio update and remove all of it!! Restart viao and then download only the two Win dvd BD updates that are availble.

If you can't find what you downloaded, or as the previous person described havent downloaded the two windvd bd updates, then download the two of them.

But I believe the reason you're getting the mfc application warning is because you have like most people downloaded all the updates wearin lies a conflict.

The only way I could solve the problem was to do a whole system restore which restored my vaio to the state it was in when i got it out of the box! the was after i had backed everything up of course:

when my vaio 'came round' from the system restore, i downloaded only the two winDVD BD for vaio updates and nothing else from that stupid download list.

windows downloads are not the problem.

my vaio works like a god now :slight_smile:

hope it works for you


Hi rajivbhalla ,

What model Vaio do you have.?

What version Win DVD do you currently have installed on your vaio.?

To check the version number, launch Intervideo WinDVD BD for Vaio, then right click on the WinDVD BD for Vaio application window, from the list select Set-Up.

In the new Set-Up window select the Information Tab.

Dear Thalamus

My spidey dvd arrived so has given me the chance to test it out - it seems to un fine - but when i try to CLOSE it it hangs up - i can then stp the program using task manager (not ideaL - BUT STILL BEETER THAN HAVING TO START AGAIN FROM SCRATCH (and lose all the programs / software i have uploaded- as suggested by sony esupport. i am really please with the rest of the aspects of my vaio - aprt from this irritating aspect.

here are the details that you requested - does this help you with you helping me find a solution to closing my intervideo without it hanging up.

Windows VISTA 32
8.0 DXVA B08.425

Type: BDMV
Region: None
Drive: F:
TV System: Unspecified.

Thanks for all the help and future sugesstion

a confused vaio user

rajivbhalla :thinking:


People just download all the automatic updates from sony like sheep thinking that everything is good for their machine. you dont need 95% of them!!

no wonder youve got problems

system restore (even though you end up having to upload all your software) is a life affirming experience :laughing: