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my vgn ar31e has recently been freezing, it seems to be happening if i leave it on without useing it for a while, this has never happened b4 as i have d/l things and left it alone and when i returned it has been fine, even if i left it on overnight its still been ok but recently if left unused it freezes and the only way to shut down is to hold down the on button any advice is very appreciated, also any good anti virus d/l are welcome, i tried avg and it worked but after turnin of the comp then puttin it back on the avg doesnt work anymore?
any help will be very welcome,
Hi zenden,
i tried avg and it worked but after turnin of the comp then puttin it back on the avg doesnt work anymore
thanx rich912,
tried housecall and it came back everythin was ok but my comp still freezes when left unused, also any idea what good security packages are out there on the market for protection as my free 3 month norton anti virus has expired think iam gonna need one to replace,
thnx .
Hi zenden,
Assuming that you have no virus/malware on the system have you tried a system restore back to a point when all was OK?
I am currently trialling Microsoft’s Windows One LiveCare . I know that other members may rubbish this but my experience over the last couple of months is in the positive. When the 90 day free trial comes to an end I will almost certainly subscribe. As you have 90 days to evaluate the product you have nothing to lose.
thanx again rich,
i hav as advised d/l the windows live one care for 90 days, running a scan now.
hope this sorts it all out as again my laptop froze after 30 mins of no use guess any future d/l are out of the question for me now ha ha, let you know what happens, again thanx....
ahhhhhhhh i cant run a full scan or anythin as the comp freezes, everythin goes very quiet with the machine and then i notice it all has frozen.... should i take it back an get a crappy pc world laptop? iam gettin very p off now....... any1 any help plzzzzzzzzzzz :smileyd_oh: