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I have the vaio vgn ar41s. Today I tried for first time to play the blu ray disk and use the hdmi output to display on the projector. I received the message that it can not play a copyright protected disk. What I have done wrong withthe settings?
hi try using your vaio media and try playing it without the projectour to see if it works if so then plug the projectour back in (usually they plug into the external slot on the graphics card)
Thank you for the quick response. The disk plays ok on vaio. Then I connect the projector via hdmi to vaio. The screen is displayed. Then I start media player to play the dvd with windvd and I get the response "Cannot display copyright protected file". When I use powerdvd I have the response 'cannot initiate hdpc'
Hi AthanasiosP,
What projector have you got?
Have you checked the specifications to see if it is HDCP compliant? If it shows 'Non-Protected' but not 'Protected' content, this is a possibility.
What version of WinDVD BD do you have installed?
You have got the Vaio screen turned off? It will not allow you to play the protected content on both screen and projector at the same time.
My projector Epson EMP TW100. I have no idea about its hdcp compliance.
I can not find which version InterVideo winDVD BD for vaio I have. Anyway last week it has been updated through internet. Yes I use one screen, the epson screen.
You may have to check HDCP compliance with Epson.
I gave Googled for reviews of the Epson EMP TW100 - one says it IS HDCP Compliant and another says it is not. Confusing?
No HDCP Compliance
HDTV Compliant
Check with Epson but I suspect it is not HDCP Compliant.
Thank you for the info. I will contact with epson