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Gigapocket has stopped working!! Help!!


Gigapocket has stopped working!! Help!!

Hi All,

I am new to the forum, but have had various vaio's for a number of years

I have a Desktop PCV-RS324E with Windows XP, up to date with service packs.

I noticed a few weeks ago that Gigapocket had stopped working, it opens up but does not seem to be able to tune to the already tuned in channels.

I reinstalled it and it seemed to work ok, but the following day was not working again.

Does anybody have any advice or experience of this, I have searched the forum and found issues with Vista but do not have that.



Hi, Sorry I'm not actually going to be able to help, but just to say I have exactly the same problem!! Gigapocket was working all OK until a couple of weeks ago and then it came up with 'Failed to Open'. I have reinstalled and now get the error CHSETUP: 6003. In device manager the Sony MPEG Real Time encoder board is showing a problem. Uninstalling from here and letting the PC find it again on startup does not clear the problem. I have a PCVW1/G Sony Vaio. Can anyone help us? Thank you :slight_frown:


Can anybody help?