

I WANT to buy this laptop but it cannot be downgraded to xp.can i just loadthe xp service pack2 and upload the application cd?


Some of the Vaios have an XP downgrade path - but im not sure about yours. Do a search on these forums for downgrade to XP and you'll see plenty on the topic. If there is a downgrade path for that machine, it's pretty straight forward. Otherwise, you may be in for a battle to get it how you want it.

There is no downgrade path for the FZ21-Series. Sony will not support XP on this series of Vaios.

Although XP Drivers are available from the FZ29 downgrade (with the exception of the Video Driver as the FZ29 has integrated Intel GMA Graphics) there are NO Utilities available. This means things like screen brightness, speaker volume, power management, special Fn keys will not work. Utilities from other models may work with the camera, Wireless Switch etc.

The lack of Utilities makes a fully workable downgrade impossible.

Quote from Sony: -

After you changed the OS from Windows Vista to Windows XP and install 
these drivers and applications you will face following problems:
1. AV Mode Button can not be used.
2. Instant On mode can not be used.
3. Fn+F5/Fn+F6 Function Key(Brightness Control) can not be used.
4. Fn+F10(Zoom in/out function) can not be used.
5. When connect with HDMI, the sound output does not work.


Quote from Sony: -

After you changed the OS from Windows Vista to Windows XP and install 
these drivers and applications you will face following problems:
1. AV Mode Button can not be used.
2. Instant On mode can not be used.
3. Fn+F5/Fn+F6 Function Key(Brightness Control) can not be used.
4. Fn+F10(Zoom in/out function) can not be used.
5. When connect with HDMI, the sound output does not work.


Best bet would be to stick with Vista then... :slight_frown:

Best bet would be to stick with Vista then... 

Lemmings will be Lemmings I'm afraid Thalamus.
I suppose it should be Dinosaurs will be Dinosaurs but I am not totally convinced (as he types this on an XP Vaio).
