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From Vista to XP Pro on Vaio FE41M


From Vista to XP Pro on Vaio FE41M

Hi, someone can help me? I have absolutly to downgrade from Vista to XP Pro, i've a XP Pro Corporate + SP2 on CD but im insure on yhe procedure ....

1) To install XP i have to format all, also the Restore Partition to free space ( i did Restore CD), but ... what are the exact steps to do that?

2) After is enought boot with the XP CD and the installation goes. Doesnt needs any floppy? (i'vent floppy driver..)

3) After installation can i use the FE31M drivers for XP? Some advice for graphical card ? (GeForce Go 7400)

Sorry for confused questions but im in trouble ... :heart_eyes:


Hi Matt,
Yes up and running how good it is to have a stable OS that actualy runs my stuff.
The camera is non op as I have not had time to tinker with it, maybe the next rainy day but no great hassle .
The Wlan driver was not so good so I downloaded a good one from Intel plus a couple of good chip utilities .
This website is good it saved Sony from a trip to the small claims court on my next visit to the U.K.(They would have lost)
Oh yes, Sony Sydney were quite hopeless, "But thats a U.K. model" We dont know much about it oh and the sys has just gone down best ring the service agent. Hmmm.

Could it be Matt that because of the very strong consumer protection laws in England that Sony make better models for the U.K. market.
Just thoughts but it does make one wonder.

We have bought several copies of XP pro before the M.S. maffia buy them all up.
Though our thoughts are now drifting towords the AppleMac for future business needs,

Thanks again Matt,

Best from sunny but cold Sydney (18c)
