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BluRay region issues.


BluRay region issues.

I purchased Superbad on BluRay about an hour ago now, the DVD is an all region DVD, got from Tesco in England.

I also got my VAIO from Tesco in England, so would presume both to be the same region. Although when I insert the BD into my drive it opens MyDVD BD and presents me with a screen saying "Mismatch between player and disc region codes. See disc packaging for details.".

Although I managed to watch a fair few BluRay discs already and have had no problem with any of them. Spiderman 3 on BluRay is also all regions, which I had no problem playing. I've not made any changes to WinDVD BD between watching discs, has any one had similar problems? or anyone able to shed any light on what's wrong here for me?

Thanks, Geoff.


Hi Geoff,

Unfortunately, I think WinDVD BD has the drive set to Region A when first installed. This has not mattered in the past as most discs are 'All Regions'.

It does sound like Superbad must be Region B - no matter what it says on the box.

If you have no Region A only discs, I would change the drive to Region B and see if that fixes it. There is a limit to the number of times you can change this.

Open WinDVD BD and right-click on the screen. Choose 'Settings' and check the Version of WinDVD installed under the last tab. Is it 8.0 DXVA B08.425?

If it is then change the drive to Region B.



It is that version, but when I click on "Regions" it's all disabled aside the combo box, which when I switch between both, all the rest is still disabled. It's saying that I've got 5 changes left until the change is permanent.

Any other ideas?

Thanks, Geoff.

That is probably your problem. Perhaps your drive is not set to any region at all!!!

On mine, I can set the DVD Region and the BD Region under the Regions Tab.

Are you running it with Admin privilidges?



I've looked through the application quite a bit, and still it won't let me change the region, I've tried playing Spiderman again, and that still works fine. How can you set it to admin privilages? If at all :S

I've just had the extras disc from Superbad playing with no troubles at all, I think I'll just exchange the disc at the store - it says it's all regions, but isn't.

Thanks, Geoff.


Exchanged it, got a new one, same problem. Anyone know how to enable the functions on WinDVD at all?

Don't know if this helps. stone69 seems to have had the same problem in this thread: -



It worked thanks, just so you know - the film was excelent. I definatly recommend it if you're into those kind of films!

Thanks, Geoff.