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Best anti-spyware/adware


Best anti-spyware/adware

Hi everyone. I am new and this is my first post. This Vaio is my first as well and I am quite computer thick. I downloaded some spyware doctor thingy which my norton was recognising as a security risk so I unistalled it. I am currently using a combinaton of norton and windows to protect my notebook but a friend of mine said thy both aint good enough. Please what is good enough?


Hi babademo and welcome to Club Vaio.

It depends which version of Norton you have installed. Does it have a Spyware Scanner? Check if you are protected for spyware.

Configured correctly, Norton should be good enough but most users object to the increasing system resources that Norton uses to be no better than other programs. When does your Norton subscription run out - that is the time to look around for better alternatives.

For Spyware, there is no problem with running more than one application.

I would recommend SpyBot Search and Destroy - this is free and very effective.

AVG also do a free antispyware product - you can download from here: -
