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Backlight issue on laptop

Backlight issue on laptop

I have a Sony Vaio FZ11S laptop and occasionally, the backlight hasn't come on when I've started the computer up (or when I've taken it out of sleep mode), it's easy to fix the problem though, I just push the screen back a little further and it lights up fine.

It doesn't happen that often and it's no major issue but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced it??



Hello there,I have a FZ11L and it seems that we are experiencing the same problem,and I called VAIO support last week and they asked me to do recovery and I did and waiting for their phone call and I suppose I am going to send it back to SONY to get it done.

I suggest you do the same thing otherwise, as time goes by your screen may went down completely and you have to pay extra for it.

Hello there,I have a FZ11L and it seems that we are experiencing the same problem,and I called VAIO support last week and they asked me to do recovery and I did and waiting for their phone call and I suppose I am going to send it back to SONY to get it done.

I suggest you do the same thing otherwise, as time goes by your screen may went down completely and you have to pay extra for it.

Thanks for your reply, What do you mean by a "recovery", are you talking about clearing the hard drive? I wouldn't have thought that would fix anything as it's probably the screen connections if anything.

Luckily I only bought mine in August so I have plenty of warranty left, I may see how to goes for now...


I would suggest you get sony to fix this problem,my problem was/is very similar except any slight movement would plunge my screen into darkness (yet if held at an angle to a light source i could barely make out my desktop)and i would have to close the lid and open it to get my display right and even then if i opened it to fast it would go dark again,all this is no longer possible since the past couple of days when the screen just gave up and is in darkness all the time,according to the guy i spoke with at sony vaio support it seems the problem is a bulb behind the screen and its about to go back and get a clean bill of health....i hope,the one concerning aspect was this seems to be something the support guy was very familiar with making me wonder is this a inherent problem with vaio? mine was bought at the beginning of march 2007 and one would hope not have to go through with a problem like this so early in my vaio`s life,especially when you spend £800 :slight_frown:

Sony Vaio VGN N21M/W