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Do all Sony LCD screens only last 2 years?


Do all Sony LCD screens only last 2 years?

The screen is going on my KDL 40W 4500 after just 2 years. Sony refuse to contribute to the cost and replacing it is only slightly more expensive than the repair cost. This was a best buy in Which? magazine.

I am now going out to buy a new TV. It will be my first non Sony for 20 years. I am now a non customer for any Sony product and will share my experience widely.

154 REPLIES 154

I have the same problem with my KDL-40V3000 !!

Dark lines and a heavy black shadow in the right part of the screen.

I am located in Greece, and called the customer helpline. They wrote down my name and phone numbers.

That happened 2 weeks ago. One week ago, a repair technician from their authorized service center, called me and requested to send him by e-mail 2 pictures of my TV, showing the problem. So I did. Today he called back and told me that they have to take the TV for checking (with charge), and send me the repair cost. When I asked if it would be free of charge, since it is a known panel failure in this particular model, he just said that I will pay for any repair they will make, since the TV is not in guarantee period, and nothing is covered.

He also said that a new panel costs from 350 to 500 Euros, not including repair costs!

I am very frustrated with this outcome, since I purchased the TV for 1.790,00 Euros !!, in January 2008 (TV prices are higher here in Greece), and now I will have to just put it away and buy another, NOT SONY of course, since I am afraid that the same problem will happen and I will throw away my money again !!

All my life, I was buying various Sony products; tv's, VCR's, car stereo, Vaio laptop and many others, but now I am very dissapointed, very skeptic and totally lost my confidence on Sony products!!

Another one here with a KDL40W4500 with a broken screen at 3 years old.

Still, at least I had the 5 year extended warranty from the Sony Centre, right?

Wrong - Sonex (the franchise holder for my Sony Centre) went bust, and my TV does not appear on the database of TVs registered for the extended warranty so Sony EU don't want to know.

The receipt showing a 5 year warranty was included is not sufficient - the onus is on me to prove that the TV was registered correctly for the warranty - this is something that my wife would have done when she bought the TV, but she unfortunately died since purchasing the TV - I have no way of proving the TV was registered and Sony are completely uninterested in fixing on a goodwill basis.

Needless to say, no additional Sony products will ever be entering my house - which is a real shame as my house has Sony everything from Clock Radios, thru Stereos in Kitchen / Bedrooms, PS3, Car Stereo etc etc.


I think your friend is confusing laws. Sale of Goods Act is a law referring to the contract between you the consumer and the store you bought it from.;jsessionid=F8897472E650589...

The onus is on the consumer to proove the device has an inherrant fault within that 6 year period. Its not a 6 year warranty...

i also have had the same problem, although mine did last 4 years. i was under the impression sony was the best, i now disagree. i have a friend in the trade who informs me there is a law that covers screens for six years, but sony dont even acknowledge this law. i have sony home theatre system a sony tape recorder a sony play station and a sony dvd player. i will never buy sony again as long as i live they just dismiss the law, and dismiss me!!!!!!

Yet another unhappy customer with the same fault with the same model.

I have phoned CIC who state that I must pay for it to be looked at......

What is my best course of action to get this resolved? I have been a long-term Sony buyer and have been more than happy with their products until now.

I have PM'd startthecar to see what the current state of play is and await some more info on this matter....

Hi there,

I bought KDL-46W4500 in December 2008 from and have been extremely happy with the product.

As with all the people on this forum my screen recently developed the fault with occasional black lines in December 2009, and more recently ghosting. I am extremely disappointed with the fault and would like to know Sony's position on this commonly occuring fault.

Consumer loyalty is gained through two ways - great products and great service. I would like to know if Sony are prepared to fix my television.

Please let me know what you are able to offer me.

Message was edited by: mep1hs

Message was edited by: mep1hs

It would seem that many people could be thousands, I have this problem, where sony have designed a very poor HDMI board that develops a glitch within 6 months, where the screen flicks from monitor view to laptop/pc/xbox view glitching in a loop till it says 'out of range' it used to happen to mine once every month or two, and after a few mins the laptop/xbox conected and would finally be viewable from the sony screen.  now it glitches  every day. Currently Ive just given up trying for half an hour for it to re set itself, is this it will HDMI never work on my SONY will it ever come back..

here is a serious design fault here, Ive heard others went to SONY and were asked for $150 in exchange for a b board.

Well is there anyone out there that can shed light on this, Im from UK so cant used what the guys for $150 b board used as their links are to us companies..

SONY if your listening do you care??????????????????????????

the hardware and software design on this system was very poor, sad in this time of depression you couldnt hire a decent team of engineers to design a system that could last for say 4 years would be nice!!!!!!!!

couldnt you offer us a board for free, give us a recall!! and those of us who can install hardware do it ourselves, and for those who cant just charge to install.. If Microsoft can do this for their glitched Wii......... SONY can tooo!!

I thought  SONY was a sign for quality, well I fear not, although from this post there does seem to be a few SONY reps maybe who might want to address this issue which from my research has been happening for 3 years with BRAVIAs.

My Bravia is just passed its 2 year guarentee... £1000 for two years of tv.... GUTTED!!!


My Sony KDL-40w4500 started experiencing the same screen fault as everybodys else. It's only 3 years old, and it started 6 months ago. I don't have a warranty now, so not sure how that manufacturing fault can be sorted out. Does anybody else sorted this out without warranty?


I have hardly used a Sony 22inch KDL 22BX20D that I purchased in June 2010. 

The other day the screen went but teh sound continued to work.

The built in DVD player then refused to open and I have lost a DVD.

I tried to contact the support centre and have to say it was the worst customer service experience I could ever imagine.

I spent an age trying to communicate the most basic iunformation to someone who was not able to understand English and not able to help me at all.

I am based near Coventry, I gave my post code (she eventually understood what I was saying) and she tried to give me an address for a repair centre in Birmingham that I could noty understand etc... she took forever to understand it was a TV with a built in DVD player and not a dvd player...she kept asking me to hold so she could speak to somone else etc.......

Can someone at Sony please tell me what I can do here because I cannot bear the thought of trying to get through on the phone again. Surely I am not expected to fund any repairs to a tv when a screen that has hardly been used and well under 2 years old.

This entre experience has put me off buying Sony products ever again.

Kind Regards


An LCD TV is expected to last at least 6 years according to European guidelines, so as such these TVs are not fit for purpose, so an extended 5 year warranty seems like a con