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40NX713 and Lovefilm buffering

40NX713 and Lovefilm buffering

I find that it is impossible to watch more than 30-60 seconds of a Lovefilm trailer on my 40NX713 without it stopping to rebuffer.  I have a good >10Mbs internet connection though I have also raised this issue with my broadband provider in case there is a hidden issue there.

I've done all the usual trials of a wired LAN connection to my TV (normally use Wifi which has a very good signal anway), trying it at different times of day etc but to no avail.

I can watch BBC iPlayer high quality streams ok and was wondering if there is a specific issue with Lovefilm, the TV or both.  Has anyone else seen this issue and can anyone suggest any improvements?


I have the same issue if I watch a trailer in HD from Lovefilm, I get about 30 seconds before it starts to buffer.

My internet connection is a full 15Mbs and no contention ratio as I am on the WMax system (No telephone wiring required) Done through radio waves recieved from a transmitter in my village and hard wired in to my TV.

I also have the same issue when I access the All HD content widget in the menu system.

So I am with you is it the TV or broadband speed ?

Does anybody know what the spec is of the network port on the Bravia TV`s, 10Mbs, 100Mbs or 1Gig, etc ?


I have the same issues... I have a KDL 46HX823 and spent nearly £1000 to experience the same issues you are having above. 

I can watch BBCiPlayer HD channels without buffering; however no other HD material will play without buffering within 30 - 60 secs again and again. Whether it is LoveFilm, YouTube or any other HD material from the other video links.

I have had constant advice from Sony, none of which has worked so they are saying it is my ISP.  I am with Virgin Media, running 10MB broadband via WiFi and a Linksys G router. 

I am puling my hair out and now stuck with a £1000 HD TV that I can not watch anything HD online from.

I have a Linksys G router with WMax and no issues

You could set the Router MTU or

run a Bufferbloat test

and check what is uploading at the same time (even a trickle)