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Xperia u Touch problem!!!


Xperia u Touch problem!!!

Hi Recently i Tried to Update Sony Xperia u ics 6.1.1.B.1.10 to 6.1.1.B.1.54 with PCC as well As sus and it is showing an error and one of my friend in this website suggested me to download the ftf file and flash it and i did it and it worked fine for 5days and now i getting touch problem...if i touch back option for 5times it breaks for atleast once in every touch...and some times keypad also doing same thing..and i have noticed this is temple run 2 while playing the game i got a left turn and when i tap from right to left it doesn't do any thing !!! so please help me !! and im from india and i tried to update to indian firmware 6.1.1.B.1.54!!! please help!!!!!!!

service centre people are saying that your mobile doesnt have calibaration and its not an indian mobile!!!we cant help!!!!


ya thanks for your replY
today i went to the service centre and they said we will try to reinstall software that could correct the problem..and later they said that your mobile is not connecting with the update is not an indian mobile.....and i cant understand what they said and few days back my mobile didnt power on and i posted a question and @uliwooly suggested me to flash ics with flashtool and given an ics ftf file link and i did...later i got to see an update of the software im using actually 6.1.1.B.10 and i have seen the update of 6.1.1.B.54 and again i flashed it because sus or pcc didint work....and later it worked fine for 5days and i got this rare problem....and some one suggested me to downgrade to the actuall or original software you used(6.1.1.B.10) and i didnt worked and then again i flashed the .54 and the problem still exist....and service centre ppl are saying that your mobile is not connecting with this and it is not an indian device..please help/...

and links of
(.10       )

(.54          )i downloaded and flashed..

note: bootloader not unlocked and mobile not rooted...!!!!!

please help......please!!!!

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Come on.reply me

No reply from sony staff


Hi Recently i Tried to Update Sony Xperia u ics 6.1.1.B.1.10 to 6.1.1.B.1.54 with PCC as well As sus and it is showing an error and one of my friend in this website suggested me to download the ftf file and flash it and i did it and it worked fine for 5days and now i getting touch problem...if i touch back option for 5times it breaks for atleast once in every touch...and some times keypad also doing same thing..and i have noticed this is temple run 2 while playing the game i got a left turn and when i tap from right to left it doesn't do any thing !!! so please help me !! and im from india and i tried to update to indian firmware 6.1.1.B.1.54!!! please help!!!!!!!

service centre people are saying that your mobile doesnt have calibaration and its not an indian mobile!!!we cant help!!!!

Old thread link :
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What can i do with that link...service centre ppl are saying that your software is not an we cant repair it.......please help me mr alexdon!!!!

I thought you might want to have your problem attented by bigger autorities from sony.I am not an official,I am here only as a helping member.I think your problem could be fixed by changing the phone touchscreen digitizer,but that would cost you if they do not want to change it for the warranty.


ok thanks.....but i have mailed them and no reply from till now....and in this website no sony staff member are repliying to my problem....any way thanks ...i had a question..if i flash gb in my xu then the problems will gone??

because service centre ppl said the problem is with software so let us reinstall the software....and they failed..if i flash gb it going to clear the problems!!!?

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GB was the best software for Xperia U,it seemed that once with the upgrade,the problems came.
