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Press and hold power button and volume up button at the same time
5 seconds> restart phone
10 seconds > shutdown phone
I suggest you take the battery out and then re-insert it, and see if that helps.
thank to very much
You can't take off the battery on Xperia S! I have the same problem, I tried to press "on" and "volume up" buttons simultaneously, I feel the vibration of the phone restarting but it's pretty damned hard to enter you pin password with a black screen!
Please, Xperia gods, HELP!!!! (Do I have to precize that it happenned exactly 1 year and 1 month after I bought it... Some might say coincidence, I call it robbery...
You need to press and hold power and volume up untill you feel 3 vibrations - 1 after the other, not 1 on it's own, 3 will come soon after, The 3 vibrations is what acts like a battery pull and re-insertion,
If that fails then do the above and run PCC do not connect phone and in support zone choose update and then choose repair and follow the onscreen instructions on how to connect in Fashmode.
Thank you. I tired the first thing and it stopped the phone, which is something at least! Then I pressed "on" but I'm still having a black lightened screen...
Il also tried to go to the "support zone" on PCC but a pop-up message comes out and says: "connection internet requise" = internet connexion required. As you can see, my computer is already connected to internet, otherwise I couldn't be here...
What can I do other than hanging myself with the battery charger cable ?
Thanks to you and to SUS, I've been able to update my phone but I reconnected it... still black lightened screen....
Reading your post are you saying it turns on but nothing is on screen?