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xperia play internal memory (A HEADACHE)

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xperia play internal memory (A HEADACHE)

basically i have this phone and the internal memory is something stupid like 400mb. why wud u make a phone this day and age withe 400mb??

anyway at the time of purchase i thought i will be able to download all my android apps to the memory card, however some apps are only writable to the phone and others which i do install to the memory card they use up a proportion of the internal memory

meaning i start with like 215mb because not all of tht 400mb can be used by me as ready installed software take memory.

so my issue is that if i keep installing apps, eventually that SMALL 200mb will get filled up, then what do i do????????????????????

i mean technically i can onluse 150mb some memory is taken up by everyday use,  (temp files and stuff)

i actuallly regret dissing the iphone and samsung galaxy s2.i bought this because of the dedicated gaming pad, and i though unlike the apple devices i can buy a big memory card but its same thing really, its got low internal memory......

any suggestions on what to do??


Accepted Solutions

install apps2sd... it clears the cache of al apps...

it also helps you to tell you what all apps can be moved..

clearing cache will help you get that extra internal memory..

after the internal memory is filled, unfortunately you have to remove\uninstall some extra things which you rarely use..

i know this sucks but you have to..

but you download the above app..and it will free up around 20mb Winking_Face

and keep on accessing the app..cache increases everytime you play..

View solution in original post


install apps2sd... it clears the cache of al apps...

it also helps you to tell you what all apps can be moved..

clearing cache will help you get that extra internal memory..

after the internal memory is filled, unfortunately you have to remove\uninstall some extra things which you rarely use..

i know this sucks but you have to..

but you download the above app..and it will free up around 20mb Winking_Face

and keep on accessing the app..cache increases everytime you play..

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I have the same problem as you. Unfortunately  I think this is the design problem of Sony Ecrisson handphone.That is why my friends choose to buy Iphone (with 16 Gb, 32 GB or 64 GB memory for you download applications) or Samsung Galaxy ( 2 Gb internal memory for you to download applications). 

Even install apps2sd, you will find many applications can only be stored in phone memory and cannot move to sd memory. Like me, right now I got limited internal memory ( 30 mb) but with a lot of sd memory (12 gb), so cannot download any more applications.  Even those applications moved to sd memory, will still use up some internal memory.

Although they will often advice to uninstall unuse applications, but in practical sense, most frequent use applications ( such as Google, facebook, Maps, Evernote, Contact, SMS,Gmail,Adobe Reader,flash player etc ) can only be stored in internal memory

Unless Sony Ericsson has the ways for us to upgrade the internal memory, I think there will be no solution if u need to keep on install those applications which can only store in internal memory.

Nowadays, if my friends ask me the choice of the handphone, I just have to tell them about  this problem of Sony Ericsson handphone, and advice them to look for those handphone with more internal memory, like Iphone (with 16 Gb, 32 GB or 64 GB memory for you download applications) or Samsung Galaxy S2 ( 2 Gb internal memory for you to download applications). 


are u series ? offering this stupied answer gave you the right to flag the problem as solved ? your solution is to free 20mb from the internal memory of go buy an iphone ? losers !