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i downloaded app simple root checker
and check i found application superuser not fount
terminal does rooted
busybox not installed
this mean my phone rooted ?
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Having a rooted phone its not going to create any issues, the only problem is if you unlock the bootloader, then you wouldn't be able to use PCC or SUS or Bridge
Bridge (for Mac)
Alternatives on How to backup Xperias
Install > barnacle > it requires root access, whenver you open it, it will let you know if your phone is rooter or not
if you mean baranacle wifi tether i download it and installed and opend
but i dont have internet connection in my phone !
There are myriad apps that require root access, just wondering, have you rooted your phone or did you try to and that's why you want to know if your phone is rooted?
i want to know if the phone rooted or no
because i want to update to jeely bean
and i am afraid !
Having a rooted phone its not going to create any issues, the only problem is if you unlock the bootloader, then you wouldn't be able to use PCC or SUS or Bridge
Bridge (for Mac)
Alternatives on How to backup Xperias
i fond some one say Dial *#*#7378423#*#* . Then go to -> "Service Info" -> "Configuration". If there is:
Bootloader unlock allowed - Yes << this means that your Bootloader is Locked
Bootloader Unlocked - Yes << this means that your bootloader is unlocked
i found
Bootloader unlock allowed - Yes
another one say
If you unlock your bootlaoder, you will loose the DRM aplications like TrackID. So start the TrackID app and if it works, your bootloader is still locked, if it doesn't and you get some error, then it's unlocked
it works !
please tell me is there any issues or i can now update by all ways !
On the service menu
if it says bootloader unlock allowed yes, that doesn't meant that your bootloader its unlocked, it means that you can unlock it if you want to.
Just install PCC or SUS on your PC and follow the steps if you get a message: you have modified software then your bootloader its unlocked.
Bootloader unlock allowed - Yes
exactly mean that my bootloader now locked
yer or no
if yes (locked ) i can use pcc and sus without problem
if i tried pcc and say you have modified software can i cancel or the phone will stop or what :((
If it says Bootloader unlock allowed - Yes then your bootloader is locked and you can use PCC and SUS to update
If those programs were to say modified software detected then you can be sure than no alterations to your phone would have been performed