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here are screen shots of my phone kept over two seperate nights.
The first screen shot is keeping wifi off for whole night,my phone doesnt sleep properly. On the other hand when i keep the wifi on the wake locks seem less.Is this a possible bug in ics as i am not the only one facing this problem. Also what are the possible solution for it . I hope sony fixes this issue in the next update.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Test and investigations have now been made. The problem is actually the awake meter itself. It doesn't show the actual amount. According to our developers this should however not affect the battery time. We hope to have the meter fixed in a future software update but unfortunately I have no info about estimated time for this.
can the mods or someone please answer my question
I have forwarded this to a developer to let him look at it. I'll post again as soon as I hear anything from him.
Thanks for the reply
I installed better battery stats app to find the cause of these wake locks. When i select partial wake locks option i see alarm manager as the app keeping my phone awake. But i do not use the alarm app on the phone. never used is the screen shot
How to close the alarm app?
Its been a week since i posted my wakelock issue but still no reply:smileyangry:
I'm currently trying to replicate this and doing some investigations.
What build number are you running on right now?
Do you have any experience with ADB? Will you be able to bring some logs on this from your phone?
Build number is 6.1.A.0.453.
Sorry but no experience with ADB. But if you can tell me how to do it i can try.:smileycry:
P.S.-It should not involve rooting.:smileyhappy:
hi ! johan am experiencing the same prob as clinta12 (think its same for most of people)
my XS stay better in sleep mode when wifi is on really strange i am running 6.1.A.2.45
thinked will change with this update but its same the phone never stay in sleep mode really and mine have data, wifi,facebook,bluetooth,all syncro off,no live wallpaper,all timescape off,no anti viruses, no app manager or any kind of apps like this . i need to say with all these apps turned off i have a good battery life but ...its anoying me to see my phone never stay in sleep mode when wifi is off because when the wifi is on its use more battery a situation a bit like the dog trying to bite his tail :smileygrin:
sorry for my bad english
Test and investigations have now been made. The problem is actually the awake meter itself. It doesn't show the actual amount. According to our developers this should however not affect the battery time. We hope to have the meter fixed in a future software update but unfortunately I have no info about estimated time for this.
I am experiencing this exact same issue, and it definately causes battery drain (as the above poster has proven with his graphs)
for me after further investigations it appeared to be caused by "fast dormancy service" causing 2000 wakes per hour
that is why on wifi battery is better because fast dormancy is not runnining any more (fast dormancy switches quickly from h->3g)