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Hello friends.
My x10 mini pro is was working just fine until 3 days ago. But all of a sudden, it wasn't letting me send sms anymore. I still am able to receive sms though. Its just the problem with sending sms.
Whenever i try to send an sms, it shows 'sending' for like 4 seconds and then shows 'could not send'.
Been having this issue since 3 days and it still persists.
Let me tell you what all i have done. (Except for restarting the phone a million times)
1. Network tower issue: To check if the issue was with the tower, i moved a good 30 miles away to another tower and it still had the issue. Plus, my other friends living just next door are able to send and receive sms through the same network operator.
2. Phone software issue: To check if it was an issue with the phone, i flashed my phone with the pc companion and installed a fresh copy of android 2.1. But the problem persists.
3. Sim: I removed and re-inserted the sim card a few times just to make sure the contact was proper with the chip. And it was properly connected.
Now, the only thing thats left in my mind is if my operator changed the message centre number of the network.
But then, there's no way of changing or editing the message centre number in android 2.1.
It used to be in Home screen > Settings > Wireless controls > Mobile networks > SMS centre in 1.6.
But unfortunately, it aint there anymore in 2.1.
If anyone could PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me out with how to edit/reset the message centre number it'd be of great help.
Also, any other tentative issues that could be causing the problem that you might know of. Please let me know. I am a travelling guy and most of the contact i make with my world is through sms.
Eagerly waiting for a solution.
Solved! Go to Solution.
hey plz help me out....'ve xperia x10 mini n i'm receiving messages but nt able to send..i mean the messages r not reaching plz help....but only to one contact rest all people messages a reaching
Hi everybody..:smileyhappy:
I have Xperia X10 mini (android v 2.1), and I have the same problem too..:smileysad:
I tried everything.. and no Response!!
I noted that when I install applications and the memory become low.. then I cannot receive or send any sms !!!!!
so the solution is to uninstall some applications and release some megabytes from the poor memory..:smileyinfo:
I tried that and now sms is working..:smileygrin:
try that please..:smileycool:
I have just recently managed to fix this problem by just pure luck for my x10 mini. I couldn't sent texts, but I could make calls and receive texts. I fixed it by:
1. Using an older non-smart phone (in this case I used a Nokia Xpress) I placed my sim card into it and then went into the "Message Settings" and then "Text Settings" and then "Message Centres".
2. From there I looked up my carrier's text smsc number (in my case 2degrees NZ +64220227672145) and entered it under the "Message Centre No" and named it 2degrees. Then saved it and sent a quick text to make sure it worked.
3. Then I took the sim card out of the Nokia and placed back into my x10 and did the *#*#4636#*#* then I tapped on "Phone Information" and then scrolled down to "SMSC" and tapped "Refreash"
There the smsc number appeared (No more "Refreash Error" and no more "Update Error") and I exited and now I can send texts
Hope this helps anyone who was like me about to throw the phone out the window