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Unable to Encrypt phone while activating exchange activesync


Unable to Encrypt phone while activating exchange activesync

Hi Everyone,

I am using Xperia S and my corporate e-mail account has stopped working post the Jelly Bean update for Xperia S. I was able to use mail (exchange Active sync) before on ICS without problem however it stopped immediately after the update.

While activating active Sync it asks for device activation and then stay on it for ages and doesn't complete which is why i am unable to activate my corporate email on my phone. I have checked with the IT team and they have confirmed that the active sync is activated from the background and i should be able to setup email.

Please help


well i am glad to hear that update is coming for xperia s

whenever i update my xperia s my camera stop working at all by saying "error camera not available"

and after that camera dont open at all so i switched back to ics and everything is fine now

so i hope next update will fix my issue

i tried hardware test and it tells camera not installed while i was on jelly bean so it seems some internal software issue


Updated my phone today with the new firmware update 6.2.B.1.96.

The encryption issue should have been resolved but when I tried to add my exchange account I am getting an error message.

The only client which it seems the email will  get configured is Touchdown which is an expensive app.

Can somebody please help?


Sony Team/Rickard,

CAn you please confirm if the Encryption issue is now fixed in the new update 6.2.B.1.96.




Sony Support Team,

I still have problem with activating exchange activesync,  i have this 6.2.B.1.96 already on my device.  Can you confirm if the encryption issue is resolved or suggest us solution to enable Active sync on the device.





Hi Patrick,

I Have checked in Security-Device Administration, Email Option is listed there and it is enabled and also I went to Secutiry - Data Usage and then More settings, I found Auto Sync, I turned it ON, Still my Corporate Mail is not working. It is still asking me Encrypt the phone.

Can you help me by any chance?



Hi Sony Support Team,

Could please atleast take responsibility of answering this...

Will you people help us to use Corporate Email Sync in your So called Sony Smart Phone?

You people neither are  sure of up coming updates nor ready to fix this issue.... I guess then we have to share this Discussion link in Social media and stop public from purchasing Sony Mobiles.




I have been reading the entire post, i do have this issue with my Xperia P, Android 4.1.2, build 6.2.A.1.100. Is there a fix/resoution for this model? Its been several weeks since i have no access to my corporate emails, calender and contacts.



Hi Sony Support,

Can you pls confirm if the software update with Encryption facility is going to be released or not ?

If not I will replace my phone, very disappointed to see there is no attention from last one year from Sony,

It would have been batter to buy IPhone instead of Sony, I spent more to buy Sony Xperia SL and now this is a Toy for me,

I would not make the same mistake again




Dear Sony/Xperia Team,

i am using Xperia Acro S with build no: 6.2.B.1.96. I am unbale to have the access to our coorparate mails and you said this will be sloved in next update year back which didn't came yet and this thread is running from last one year not even a single reply from your team last 6 months even after many posting the issue. did anyone monitoring this forum? i never used any phone apart from Sony till date but this is the way you are treating your loyal customers?

you are taking years to send a update to affected models? Tell us are you going to release new update to reslove the encrypt issue for exchange activesync or not, if not the update atlease tell provide us the solution. so that we can decide to continue to use the phone or through this piece of **bleep** (never come back to Sony not just the phone any product) and will go for another vendor where we are getting better models than you with lesser price.

I have never thought this type of response from Sony not even in a dream. Kindly tell us if you are not going to send the update to fix the issue. This is the reason you are lost many loyal customers.




still  I don't see any response from Sony? Why the encryption feature has been disabled? Not able to use corporate mails..