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Hi Everyone,
I am using Xperia S and my corporate e-mail account has stopped working post the Jelly Bean update for Xperia S. I was able to use mail (exchange Active sync) before on ICS without problem however it stopped immediately after the update.
While activating active Sync it asks for device activation and then stay on it for ages and doesn't complete which is why i am unable to activate my corporate email on my phone. I have checked with the IT team and they have confirmed that the active sync is activated from the background and i should be able to setup email.
Please help
Solved! Go to Solution.
This problem will be fixed in an upcoming update for the phone with version number 6.2.B.1.xx.
Hi Mathur
I had exactly the same issue when I upgraded my device to .200, created this post myself.
Hi Mathur Aashish,
I had the same problems with the exchange ActiveSnyc after Android Update 4.2.2 on my Xperia Z.
I tried a lot without success - at the end, the solution was the following:
My settings for "Auto-sync data" in the phone's "Data usage" were off and that prevents the Exchange sync from setting up the Mail-App as a device administrator. When you set up an Exchange account, after the page where it asks you to name the account, it should display a "Activate device administrator?" screen, where you grant permission for the Email app to wipe your phone, set password rules, etc... If "Auto-sync data" is disabled, that screen is skipped, and the Device administrator never gets set up. You can check this by going to Settings -> Security -> Device administrators. If "Email" isn't listed there, Exchange sync won't work.
You can turn auto sync on/off by going to Settings - Data Usage and then pressing the '...' more menu button at the top.
Good luck and best regards
That sounds strange. From what i can see Xperia S still doesn't support encryption so it should not try to encrypt the phone. Could you please send me a PM with the following information and i'll forward this for further investigation:
Phone nr:
IMEI nr:
Build number:
Exchange version:
Hi Everyone,
I have changed my Xperia S to Xperia SL, but I can't activate the Email via Exchange AciveSync.
I set the incoming setting and I activated the server request for remote control.os security features.
After I approve the "Encrypt phone". Then, the initial screen of the robot, but does nothing more.
I tried again and again, and I tried after restoring the factory setting.
The data are as follows:
Name: Janos SÓVÁGÓ
Country: Hungary
Operator: Telenor
IMEI nr.: 35361705-659595-6
Build nr.: 6.2.B.0.211
Exchange version: 2003
Remark: Another type of phones (HTC, Samsung) that work with the server.
If anyones knows, please helps.
Best Regards
You are making jokes, right? Sound Strange?
I have registered this issue on May 31st and you have never seen it?
I have even post the screenshots and got the feedback from Johan that the Xperia team is working on the case.
It does not encrypt, only the JB implemented by Xperia have the feeds from the encryption apk in app/system folder.
Go talk to Johan please.
And you will never achieve the full encryption. Sony implemented the encryption in a half-way.
You want to have the corporate emails in your XperiaS? go back to ICS.
Thanks for pointing me to that thread!
I've been away for vacation and parental leave for 2 months and Johan is now on vacation so i have unfortunately not seen this issue before.
I found Johans escalation and the information in that thread is correct, this issue will be fixed in an upcoming update named 6.2.B.1.xx.
Hi Rickard,
the first of all I thanks your answer.
Do you know or what do you think when can we expect the new build version?