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tried to fix android market problem and now no internet at all. what have i done?

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tried to fix android market problem and now no internet at all. what have i done?


I've not been able to use Tweetcaster in a while so i went to uninstall and reinstall it. I've not been able to download apps for a few weeks but figured it must just be a dodgy connection. Anyway, realised something must be wrong with market ... i've checked all my passwords and followed some online advice to clear caches and to stop market updating etc ... so i did. Still can't use market and now my whole internet connection has disappeared on my phone.

It can't find settings and when i ask it to by clicking vodafone contract ... it fails to find them.

Have i knocked something off by accident? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to fix it for 2 hours now!! All i wanted to do was tweet!

Thanks! Slightly_smiling_Face


Accepted Solutions

Ok a few random thoughts that may help (or may not!)

Have you tried running a repair via Sony Ericsson Update Service, which will basically factory reset your phone (so make sure you back up your contacts etc first) and see if this resets everything.

Have you called Vodafone to get the settings checked with them?

Not going to help, but I am with Tmobile UK and can't get tweets unless I am on wifi. No idea why, and annoyingly a friend who is also on Tmobile can get them on 3g. When looking at all the tech info there are slight differences to our build numbers.

Strange problem and I hope you get sorted.  Let us know how you get on.

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I should add I updated my software before all this happened using the PC Companion.


Ok a few random thoughts that may help (or may not!)

Have you tried running a repair via Sony Ericsson Update Service, which will basically factory reset your phone (so make sure you back up your contacts etc first) and see if this resets everything.

Have you called Vodafone to get the settings checked with them?

Not going to help, but I am with Tmobile UK and can't get tweets unless I am on wifi. No idea why, and annoyingly a friend who is also on Tmobile can get them on 3g. When looking at all the tech info there are slight differences to our build numbers.

Strange problem and I hope you get sorted.  Let us know how you get on.

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Hi Suze,

Thanks for that! I've done a factory reset and my internet is now working again. Baffled as to why it suddenly stopped. Still have the android market problem but bypassed it by allowing 3rd party apps to b installed so I could download Tweetdeck. Doesn't solve the problem i have with android market (both my dad and housemate have the same phone and have exactly the same problem!) but at least i have a functioning twitter app now.

Thanks again Slightly_smiling_Face


I wish I could get my Tweet app to work!  Tried loads of different ones and none work on 3g for me.  Maybe I should take a dose of my own medicine and do a repair myself!!

Glad you got kind of sorted - I do wonder if the problem is more with Android Market rather than the phone.  If it is lets hope they can sort it out.

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I think I have a similar problem. My Android Market has died on me - 3 apps have been updating for weeks now without completion and when I try and download any new app, it is always unsuccessful.

Please help!


This is caused due to a fault in the update of android market application. Go to Settings> Applications> Manage Applications and select Android Market. From there click uninstall updates. This may help you in resolving the problem.

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Thanks heaps - that worked perfectly!