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After Android update in my Xperia P Album (or gallery) is not working...
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Could something have gone wrong?Try to clear cache and restart,if still not working,repair with the same software version.
i think this is a bug my friend
it is not a bug,the album and music did not appear in media for me too,but after max 10 minutes it was ok.
no its not a bug..alexdon got it right..
Hello, Can anyone help me??
I upgrade my Xperia P and there is no Costumizing Menu in home screen for change themes or add widgets.
theres a lot of new features with the jb update including more customization of the phone..
its not after the update my friend, because i had this app "Clean Master" athe one deleting cache files and residual files from the phone and the one killing the not in use apps, after i click it, the album wont show, the i repair it through PCC and un install the app, its okay now my friend.
Try to swipe the homescreen with your two fingers towards each other. Another method is to hold the home screen for say 2-3 seconds.