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Internal storage failure? Periodically VERY slow, camera error, etc


Internal storage failure? Periodically VERY slow, camera error, etc

2-3 weeks ago, my Sony Xperia S started being VERY slow, for periods of ~30 minutes at a time. Symptoms:

- It takes 3-15 seconds from I press the screen until the phone responds, even for something as simple as popping up a menu.

- Even when I don't do anything for 10 minutes, except keeping the screen on, CPU usage is constantly 50-75% (as seen using SystemPanel app). If I switch between apps and try using the phone in different ways, CPU usabe is constantly around 100%. At the same time, the battery gets very warm.

- When I have taken a photo, the camera often gives the error message "memory error". Any time I try using the camera after that, I get "camera is not available".

- When I open the image gallery, it sometimes tells me that I have no images.

This behaviour is not regular, it comes and goes throughout the day. Closing apps or restarting the phone does NOT stop the slowness - I just have to wait for it to pass. My suspicion is that the phone is trying to write something to the internal storage, which fails, the phone then tries writing it again, etc, in a loop that lasts until the data has finally been written.

I have also checked (using SystemPanel app) which apps have taken most of the CPU for the last 2 hours. Values for my installed apps are very low (0,1-0,2%), but "system" and system processes are sometimes higher than 5%.

Although I suspect that something hardware is broken, I would like to try to reset the phone. Unfortunately I can't backup my data:

- When I try performing a backup from the Sony software on my computer, I get a message that backup failed.

- When I connect the phone to my computer and try copying single folders, some folders copy without problems, other folders halt at "preparing to copy" and will never copy to my computer.

Any clues on how to solve this situation?


then its probably an app or apps creating this issue


Phone came back from the repair store for the second time. The problem of forgetting keyboard, forgetting widgets, forgetting some icons, is still there.

Could you suggest which apps might be creating such issues?

intrussive apps


task managers


ram apps

booster apps

battery apps

or if you have disabled apps


No such apps installed... And after another factory reset, with just a few popular 3rd party apps installed (beautiful widgets, business calendar, etc), the problems were still there. After the third visit to the repair store, they agreed to refund my purchase. Still not sure what the problem was, but now I am looking for another phone.


reset only setting and solve the problem


I have same problem too, how about flashing or use custom room? It's will work?