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FATAL Ray Problem After ICS 4.0.4 update


FATAL Ray Problem After ICS 4.0.4 update

i don't know how to explain this... but

i had .42

then .62

then 4.0.3

all with the usual problems/bugs everone had...

but... after 4.0.4 update, a big problem appeared...

whenever the screen is ON, and i leave it idle till the light fades, then it goes OFF.. right?
if i press ANY key instantly after it goes OFF, it goes back ON

if i am late 1-2 seconds, it turns back ON to a BLANK BLACK screen (like the one when you turn the phone ON and there's no logo yet)

no whatever i do it stays BLACK...

if i press the above lockscreen button, it turns OFF, i press again, BLACK again...

i have only ONE SOLUTION
leave the phone for 30 seconds minimum...

then when i press any key, it gives me the lockscreen screen...

now what sucks even more...

i tird reverting back to .42

and the problem persists ... so i guess 4.0.4 caused some hardware screen issue !!! Slightly_frowning_Face

help Slightly_frowning_Face


I have blackout problem my phone.product year 2011.

I had watched this vedio. really it,s my problem.(