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Coating of the back peeling off


Coating of the back peeling off


i got my new Xperia T LT30P for now about 6 weeks (i think) and i recognized that the matte coating of the phones back is peeling off at the edges. It didnt get any scratches and it didn't fall a single time. I made some pictures of the spots:

Xperia T 1.jpg

Xperia T 2.jpg

Is the coating of the Xperia T smartphones just of bad quality? It shouldn't be normal that it looks like that after just a couple of weeks!



144 REPLIES 144

in my opinion normal wear should be months/years of use not weeks so we'll see what happens and what sony do about it.


'Notopic'; It's not for KPN to decide whether the unit is faulty or not. It's for Sony. Get back to them and give them hell. They have sold you a product that is defective. I'm not sure where you are from but in the UK your consumer rights are very explicit about this sort of thing.

Also I see now this thread has nearly 1800 views. It would be very advisable for SONY to issue a statement about this problem. Clearly it is affecting lots of people and is also clearly a defective coating treatment which needs to be resolved.

For SONY it wold be wise to do this as many prospective buyers who Google 'Xperia T' and find this thread or see this problem in other places on the web will now NOT be buying one. I certainly wouldn't if I knew the coating would be peeling off after a week!!!!!

SONY please respond.


I've had my phone for approx 3 weeks and i haven't experienced the peeling.

However... my phone is kept in a case that protects all the sides and back (but leaves the top/bottom exposed) and mine is fine

Batch number 12w43

Perhaps it was just a bad batch? Hopefully y'all get it sorted soon!


BTW The '****' on my post of the 16th was me using a word that is the place that is opposite to heaven. (If you know what I mean). I wouldn't swear on this forum...although due to my problems with my SONY product it's been very tempting! Winking_Face

I've had my T since release (over 12 weeks) and have no signs of the back coating peeling as pictured. I don't use a case and mainly keep the phone in my Pocket. Batch Number: 12W37


listening to all the scolding (xxxx) and complaining, the smartest thing in my opinion is to get it replace the moment you see it happening.

Any delays to report and exchange at your own expense make no sense.

Why brag here when you have not even try to get it check and replace , cover or unit?

Unfortunately, things happens, and not that it is on purpose, but things does happens ( Maps on iP).

When things happens, it get investigated. Al these takes time.

I wwill be stupid to wait for an admission before i sent it for service.

I sent it straight away.


no more news on my phone apart from its still with a repair engineer,


says my phone is awaiting final testing, according to the lad i spoke to on the sony support phoneline normally that means the faults been repaired and they're checking the phone before sending it back, so its my guess they replaed either the phone casing or are sending me a new phone.

i hope sony will respond soon! Waiting for the answers a while now

I wonder if it's an issue like the Xperia Arc's housing crack