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i got my new Xperia T LT30P for now about 6 weeks (i think) and i recognized that the matte coating of the phones back is peeling off at the edges. It didnt get any scratches and it didn't fall a single time. I made some pictures of the spots:
Is the coating of the Xperia T smartphones just of bad quality? It shouldn't be normal that it looks like that after just a couple of weeks!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thank you all for contributing with your details. I have sent this further on for investigation. I will get back to you all in this thread ASAP.
Thank you for looking into this. Do you require the information that you requested above from all of us?
great! hoping for a usefull answer
Yeah have the same problem after 4 weeks of usage, really hope sony is doing something about this.....
Tesco have sent me a bag to return my phone, but I don't really want to send it off before Sony issues a statement admitting liability/recall as this is clearly a common problem.
I seem to recall that when something similar happened to the ipod phone it was item no. 1 on the national news ('antennagate'), but it seems that the new ipod phone has a similar problem as well
How come macintosh owners get to know about these things before us mere mortals with our 'inferior' handsets?
I've mentioned this before but it would be interesting to know how many Xperia T's this is affecting. All? Or just a batch? Anybody with an Xperia T that doesn't have a defective coating it would be good to hear from you!??
I'm told by the Phone Shop my Xperia T is being looked at by the 'distributor' although to my mind only an official Sony maintenance centre can investigate and 'repair' an issue like this?
En nog 1 ik heb mijn telefoon nu ook 6 weken en bij mij is op alle hoeken de coating er ook al af ik heb mijn toestel via HI lease morgen wordt deze op gehaalt en gaan ze het bekijken, kan een week of 6 duren .Maar nu dit gelezen te hebben weet ik niet of ik deze wil houden het lijkt wel of het toestel al een jaar oud is lekker ,en zo te lezen hebben bijna alle toestellen dit dus zal dit wel niet snel worden op gelost .hou het hier wel even in de gaten en ga het morgen af bellen en bij hi vragen om een ander toestel dan tog maar een appel .Ben ban dat ik anders om de 6 weken de telefoon 3 weken kwijt ben voor reparatie .
i too had this issue i got a phone in november after a month i got the issue. tesco gave me a replacement phone. so far the replacemnt seems ok, the old one had a small chip after a week..
mines now at the sony repair centre(repair check says with repair engineer) waiting to see what they say, prob mon/tues at the earliest before i find out anything
I got the same problems to.
I'm on KPN and did mail them.
The answer from them whas that is whas just normale usage wear.
I did point them to this topic also.
Translated it with google..
Thanks for your email regarding damage to equipment.
Based on your email, I can say that this kind of damage by KPN is seen as a form of wear. For this we can not take further steps, for which we apologize.