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Android 4 upgrade. Wifi wont turn on now


Android 4 upgrade. Wifi wont turn on now

Gday just upgraded to android 4.04 on ST25a

working ok but the wifi option is now completely greyed out and cant be turned on via the tools button shortcut, or the switch in settings!

bluetooth is working but if you click on wifi in settings, it just hangs on "turning on wifi"

please help sony! what good is a smartphone without wifi? i dont get 3g reception at my house so bascially i have not internet at home!

hotspot works, but wifi doesnt!



Gday Rasorr

I hope this helps others as this was a very annoying problem

1. Make a backup of your phone using PC Companion (PCC) under 'backup & restore'.

2. Go to Support zone and choose 'phone software update' and click the start button.

3. a box will pop up and say 'your phone is up to date'. then click the blue link at the bottom that says 'repair phone'.

4. Follow the onscreen intructions to do another update. This will now erase all software and settings on the phone, so make sure you did a backup in step 1. You will have to agree to a box that says all the data will be erased. click agree.

5. Continue to follow instructions, when prompted disconnect your phone, turn it off and on, it will now be as if you bought a brand new phone in the box, ie all settings and software to default.

6. Presto! all your wifi, bluetooth, etc will be working now.

7. Go back to backup and restore and restore the file you made in (step 1.)

8. Then all your contacts, photos, videos will be restored. Be patient, if it fails once, dont worry, do it again as instructed and all will be fine.

Whole process can be done in under 20 mins!

Hope i helped! Good luck, please post your results.


Also, be sure to follow the setup wizard at the beginning, like the first time you turned your phone on when you bought it, as it will setup internet and mms settings to be sent from your provider. i ignored the wizard and then couldnt figure out why i couldnt get '3G' reception'.


Also, be sure to follow the setup wizard at the beginning, like the first time you turned your phone on when you bought it, as it will setup internet and mms settings to be sent from your provider. i ignored the wizard and then couldnt figure out why i couldnt get '3G' reception'.


Q. Will i lose all my apps and games?

From:                                            Davoxperiau                                           

Sent:                                            Oct 13, 2012

Subject:                                            Private Message: Re: Will I loose my all apps and games?                                           

Dont worry, everything that you ever downloaded from the playstore is still under 'my apps' . press right key at the playstore homepage and select my apps, then you will see installed apps, if you swipe to the right, you can see everything you have ever installed or purchased, so even paid apps can be downloaded infinity times. even apps you bought on previous handsets will be there!

i know this for sure because this is my second handset and i had to re download everything.

or you can get an app called 'astro' and backup all your apps to internal memory, then to pc, but its not necessary, and with android 4.0x you should redownload the apps for best compatibility, because some apps have changed.


What about the game data...???


tried this 3 times just going to go for a 4th, wifi button is still greyed out.

thanks for trying though:)