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I updated the SO as Sony´s message required.
Mobile well charged, connected by USB. Using PC Companion
I follow the instructions. Press OFF+Vol down.
Updating starts but a window of error updating appears.
From then, the cell reboots constantly. Some seconds with green light (switching on, SONY screen appears with Led in red. Swith off and reboot again.
Trying to do the repair option from PC Companyon doesn´t work. There´s a windows with "How to connect" and as the mobile is rebooting, it´s not able to detect it.
I´ve tried almost everything, ON&Vol-, ON&Vol+, ON&Vol+&Vol-, Vol-&Vol+, nothing changes
I´ve let the cell charging 8 hours to wall adpator, it´s the same
I´ve unninstalled and reinstalled the PC Companion, switching off and on the PC, it´s the same
Please help me to solve this!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Finally I solved, using the SUS software.
SONY team, please you should write about this possibility in the PC Companyon app and a Readme file or similar in the instalation process.
Take care with future updates!
I have Xperia Go, and after the android update, mine is doing the same thing, And its about 3 months now, and I still dont get it to stop rebooting the whole time, I am seriously getting fed up with it. Can anyone help me please!!!
Can you please tell me what SUS software is? My phone has the same problem and PC Companion won't recognise it.
This is an alternative for PC Companion ( SUS = Sony Update Service). You can find it on Sony's website. You donload it and instal it on your PC (not on your phone). You have to close PC Companion before you use SUS because it cannot be operated the same time. (Tip: Do not let PC Companion start up with windows)
SUS can help you to update or in case this went wrong restore your phone with the for you working firmware.
Good luck!
Mine too , All data were gone
Please take care SONY ...
iam also have the same problem.i installed the sony update service but it not works. it shows turn off and connect the usb. but after connecting no effect.
@rajkumararun - If the phone remains off and you get the solid green notification light at this stage,
to solve the issue, open Device Manager on your computer to reinstall the driver for your device while your device is connected with your PC via a USB cable.
Microsoft Windows Vista and 7 users
To open Device manager on your computer
Click on the Start button.
In the Search box, type device manager, and then press enter.
Microsoft Windows 8 users
Method 1
To open Device manager on your computer
Click Windows Kept; BACKGROUND: white; VERTICAL-ALIGN: baseline; WORD-SPACING: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px">
Method 2
To open Device manager on your computer
Click the Desktop Tile to open the Desktop.
Click >> at the bottom right of the taskbar.
Select Control Panel from the Menu.
Select Device Manager from the list of control panel items.
Note: If you do not see the screen with the Device Manager option, click the View by drop-down menu and select Small icons.
Microsoft Windows XP and 2000 users
To open Device manager on your computer
On the desktop, right-click on My Computer and click Properties.
In the System Properties window, click the Hardware tab.
In the Hardware, tab click the Device Manager button.
To reinstall the drivers for your device
Scroll down to the Universal Serial Bus controllers (USB section) of the Device Manager window.
Look for an MTP Device: Media Device, Unknown Device or any other reference to your phone. Click on this entry and choose "Uninstall" whilst leaving the device connected.
Wait a few minutes, and the computer will reinstall the drivers for the device.
Now, the phone is accessible via Computer/My Computer on your computer.
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