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SVR-HDT500 / SVR-HDT1000 - Duplicate Recordings Issue

Not applicable

SVR-HDT500 / SVR-HDT1000 - Duplicate Recordings Issue

Hello All


For anyone who has these two models HDD Recorders (SVR-HDT500 + SVR-HDT1000) there seems to be an issue when recording.  My mum has one of these boxes and it is recording the same show twice - even though there is only 1 instance in the timer list.


Upon going to the USA Forums, there seems to be others experiencing this issue as well. The people posting on the USA Forums seem to be UK people See:


I am therefore escalating this issue to SonyUK Support in order for them to provide a resolution.


I would urge those that have this problem to post a reply in this thread.


Thank you all.



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Like every post I've read, it's such a relief to find out it's not just me!  My box has been double recording for about a week or so.  I also can't cancel recordings, or create new ones, either series link or individual programmes.  I was also thinking I would just have to go out and buy a new one!  I will be very interested to find out what has happened here.


thanks for raising this!

Yes I had that message last when I switched it off for the night even though there was nothing recording



Me to


Did a reset, re-scanned channels, now all scheduled recordings are goosed, now  won't record at all, affects both ITV abd BBC multiplexes, suspect they've changed something in the programme guide format transmitted by the operators


The machine we didn't do a channel scan sometimes starts recording two channels at same time (and mucks up recoding two different programmes which overlaps) sometis fails to stop recording, also system gets alarmingly hot now.


Very frustrating as it's affecting two recorders - they can't *both* be broken at the same time"


Not at all impressed, last time I buy a "premium" brand recorder, I'd be more inclined to pay half the price for a no-name brand and buy a second unit if/when this happens again!

Yes, mine also duplicates recording


Same issues regards multiple duplicate recordings. After reset at front panel gets it rebooted, allows access; but trying to setup new recordings then the epg freezes after selecting a program, all in the last week or so.

Come on Sony, you are better than this!


I'd just like to point out to recent posters who might not have read the entire thread that these problems are not confined to Sony PVRs - owners of Digitalstream boxes are experiencing EXACTLY the same issues. I have no doubt that other manufacturers are affected also. The consensus of opinion is that this has been caused by some change in transmission of programme/EPG data.


I have previously asked posters on this thread to contact DigitalUK by email/Facebook/ phone (03456 505050) and register your problems with them - their performance in this matter so far has been woeful to say the least, and the  more people complain to them, the more likely will be the chance of them doing something to fix the problem.


Don't let them fob you off with "retune the box manually" - it's their standard line, which they know full well has no effect whatsoever.


Can you link DigitalUK's Facebook page, please? I can't seem to find it.

Not applicable

Same problem also started about same date would suspect its something to do with freeview


I don't think it has been mentioned in this thread - in case people don't know, these Sony boxes are essentially rebadged Digital Stream boxes, hence why it is no coincidence that both these brands are affected whilst most (if not all) manufacturers are not.