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SVR-HDT500 / SVR-HDT1000 - Duplicate Recordings Issue

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SVR-HDT500 / SVR-HDT1000 - Duplicate Recordings Issue

Hello All


For anyone who has these two models HDD Recorders (SVR-HDT500 + SVR-HDT1000) there seems to be an issue when recording.  My mum has one of these boxes and it is recording the same show twice - even though there is only 1 instance in the timer list.


Upon going to the USA Forums, there seems to be others experiencing this issue as well. The people posting on the USA Forums seem to be UK people See:


I am therefore escalating this issue to SonyUK Support in order for them to provide a resolution.


I would urge those that have this problem to post a reply in this thread.


Thank you all.



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Hi all, I'm in London and have been experiencing the same issues with my Sony SVR-HDT500. Duplicate recordings and slow to unresponsive remote. Tried everything but without any input from

Sony I'm at a loss. It's clear from all of the posts that the problem is widespread. Come on Sony...get it sorted!

I am having the same issue also.


I did factory reset and also a harddrive reformat and still getting some shows recording twice.


Thought it was me.


I'm also having a few issues when I select a recording, its not registering the show to be recorded, is anyone else having the same issue ?

Exactly the same problem since Tue 11th Oct. Duplicate recordings & cant record anything new or delete existing series link recordings. This is obviously not an issue with individual machines & Sony need to come up with a fix. Factory reset does not solve this issue. I will phone Sony again on Monday!


Also, all my timer settings for programmes on series record have disappeared! Help!

I've had similar issues.


Box used to belong to my mum/dad, but they didnt use it so about 3 weeks ago I started to use it in my house.


Thought it was just my box that was reacting slowly.


Guide is slow moving through, appears to stop, then suddenly moves to the next screen.


Knew it wasn't my remote, as I use a Logitech all in one, which is fully charged and working the other devices with not issue.  Also tried the original remote and same issues.


Strange so many having similar issues around the same stage, unless this is just a HD sympton as there appears to be 50Gb reserved size, a lot for an OS IMO and this was after a reformat.



Also having same problems started on 14-10-2016 with SVR-HDT500 duplicated recordings etc I live in Oldham Lancashire but issues seems to be wide spread. Hope Sony sort it out asap or I will lose confidence in the brand.



London area, have the same problem since last week with duplicate recordings. I also have tried to reset it, downloaded an update, keept it unplugged for a day - nothing works. It is just getting worse, as it freezes up every so often if I try to forward or rewind, there is is also very slow reaction to pretty much every command.


I have posted the same message by mistake on American forum. Same problem been reported across the pond. Isn't that weird that there is so many identical problems reported in such a short time? I bet our devices are similar age. And I have come accross a little theory - I heard that things are now made obsolete on purpose, which seems to be the case here (unfortunately). The device's been performing very well for a few years, no problems or minor problems throughout, then quite sudden crash and becomes almost useless, or eventually completely useless. This way you have no option but to buy a new device. I had the same story with Sony DVD recorder few years ago. Suddenly stopped working, tried to take it to repairs but been told that the repair, which required the replacement of original Sony mechanism, would cost almost the same as new device... And if you think -  well then I will buy a new device from the different maker - bad news, apparently they all are doing it.

I will give it another week hoping it is some kind of signal problem some other people mentioned, but, frankly, Ido not have high hopes 😞

Please let us know if you have found a solution  or if your device has magically came back to normal

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@Angela4791 - The people who are reporting this issue on the USA forums are actually UK based people who have posted on the wrong countries forums :slight_smile:


In regards to the problem itself:

As many have noted, there has been no firmware update for years - hence nothing has changed on the SVR model Recorders themselves.  I suspect corrupt/faulty data is being broadcast via the freeview transmitters with a knock on effect of the issues everyone is having. 


Anyway, this issue has been passed to Sony UK Support and hopefully an explaination/solution will arrive quickly.  This thread will be updated if there is further information.


Thank you everyone for posting and your continued patience.

I am in Derby - UK and am experiencing pretty much the exact same issues with my HDT1000 recorder as others. Together with duplicate recordings, my recorder also seems very sluggish with a poor response. Fast forward on either 2x, 4x, 16x or 64x is hit and miss and is also slow to respnd when pressing play afterwards. On occasions the recorder quits and reboots. Cannot remove timed recordings from the recorded list or, cancel a recording from the TV menu. Have tried everything I can in order to fix the issue including power off, and several resets but nothing seems to work or fix the issue. Sony - HELP....

This evening the unit seemed to behave itself, only one duplicate recording and the other two just single recordings.


Also the unit seems normal in its response flicking thro menus, epg guide, fast forward and rewind as nornal.


But I am not convinced just yet that its all OK.


One strange thing not sure others have it, theres nothing set to record so when I power off it should just turn off, instead it was saying the unit will power off but stay on for recording??


Hopefully a fix soon.