No channels on RDR HXD 1095


No channels on RDR HXD 1095

Since 19/07/2013 my recorder was stuck in update mode, I switched it off and no channel displays at all, retuned it and briefly a channel comes up and then freezes and then blank screen again I went on website to try to find an answer, there was an update for firmware to sort it out I downloaded firmware update now that is stuck on download - 5, its the weekend and Sony won't respond I guess.


Anyone had the same problem ?   or any ideas to maybe sort it ?




The most recent 10 threads or more on this site relate to the same problem which has been going on since last night.  There's a temporary solution that involves retuning and setting the location to France, and Sony claim to be looking into things (but I bet there's no solution before Monday!) If you've not already discovered all the other threads, take a look!  When I got stuck on download 5 I eventually switched off at the plug and left it for a while - no worse off for that, but no better either.  And updating to 1.70 hasn't helped those who have managed to get past download 5...


Thanks for the info, I have now re-tuned and got channels back by going
down the France route as suggested, I checked my version and its now 1.24,
just hope Sony come up with a remedy soon.

Hi All,

before posting any further comments please read this thread



***RDR Stuck in Update or no Digital channels issue***




As of 2:00 pm today after a re-tune all channels now back on UK setting and full EPG back as well, 2pm update came up and went away with no problems.


Hope this helps everyone who had problems