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Content buffering despite high speed connection.

Content buffering despite high speed connection.

I've a BDP-S370 which seems to be randomly stalling on playback of web content, particularly iPlayer.  Interestingly cBeebies programmes seem to be unaffected and BBC 2 seems to have the most issues but this may just be a red herring.  Does anyone have any recommendations?  I'm with ISP Zen.

Message was edited by: Catmambo

133 REPLIES 133

Same problem here on O2 (i.e. BE) with 8 MBit/s.

iPlayer has now become completely useless on our S370 even for SD shows.

Very frustrating. I really hope this will get fixed soon.

I have a feeling this is just to do with overload.

My broadband was upgraded from 2M to 4M yesterday morning so to try it out I played Top Gear in HD on iPlayer and it was perfect... all the way through with NO buffering, this was around 8:00am.

Last night I decided to watch some other programs in HD... no luck, took about 3 mins before it started playing and then buffered every few seconds. Went back to SD (High quality) and still buffered about every 30 seconds. So I dropped to SD normal quality and it played ok-ish, buffering around every 15 minutes. Speedtests on my broadband were still reporting 3.5 - 4 M.

Later in the evening (after 11pm) I tried again and it was much better - not as good as at 8:00am - but played SD High quality with hardly any buffering.

The strange thing though is that people have reported that when the bluray player has problems, iPlayer on PC works fine. I did not check this but it suggests it is not an overload problem... or, are the streams from iPlayer to Sony Bluray players DIFFERENT streams to those that go to the PC? and it is only the Sony streams which are being overloaded? Maybe, in which case it should be pretty easy for BBC to fix.


(BDP-S570, wired network connection)

Message was edited by: mshelley

Seems to me that lots and lots of people are having similar problems. In my case my 570 is very inconsistent. Sometimes (like this morning between 0430 and 0630 no problem at all but after 0630 ccouldn't or wouldn't connect to any service properly whilst my pc on the same BT Infinity router had no problem at all. Seems to indicate that it IS a Sony problem of some sort but as yet no-one is admitting it. Is it because they are investigating and don't want to prejudice any resuklts or is it just that they don't give a monkeys??

Please, please will someone from Sony respond - any info will be better than what we have now!!!

I had buffering problems on Sony BDP-370's Iplayer when I bought it just after Christmas.  I don't now - since I got my dongle to register a "100%" signal (see below).  I use "high quality".  I used to have to switch to "normal" quality to get mostly uninterupted content.  Now I use "high quality" and it never buffers despite only having an 8-meg-ish wired connection upstairs and having to pass through a wireless dongle.  I personally avoid supposed "HD" content on Bravia/internet - I can't determine the difference in quality between that and "high quality" non-HD.. and it's most likely to cause problems.  I've never had a problem with Lovefilm - I've watched three films buffer-free so far.  I do think the Bravia Iplayer software needs improving especially as more and more people start to use it.  We Tiscali users have been plagued with a much worse problem where it tries to load the web version of iplayer then crashes!  From that thread, I've replicated below some tips/workarounds for buffer prolems.  Sorry if the tone seems patronising to some - it's written with people like my mum and dad who don't have a clue in mind.  But you may find something useful in there...

Problem: when I use Sony Bravia Iplayer, the pictures freezes  and that effing circle spins so many times, I find myself running to  the kitchen to make a stiff drink before the wife clouts me because  apparently this is my fault.


This  is to do with "buffering" - when you "stream" a programme.. watch it on  the internet without downloading the whole thing.. it downloads enough  information so you can watch the bit you are at, and has the bit just  ahead of where you are ready, then steadily more as it's needed.  If  connection or software is slow, the player will come to a point where  the information isn't ready, and it will freeze till it is ready.  You  can get round this is in a number of ways without upgrading your  broadband package (and while you wait for Sony and BBC to get their a**ses into gear..)

1)  If you are using wireless, you need to optimise your signal.  Go to  "Set up" - "Internet settings" - then "View network status".  The signal  strength is half way down, expressed as a percentage.   Now, my wired  broadband connection upstairs is about 8 or 9 meg (24 meg my a**se!) and I  find I need a signal of 97-100% on the dongle to watch the "high  quality" (not HD) Iplayer content uninterrupted.  Bravia uses "high  quality" by default.  To achieve that signal, I plugged the USB  extension cable that came with the dongle into the back, the dongle into  the extension base which gives a bit of movement.  If your router is  upstairs, generally the higher your dongle is, the better the signal you  get.  Also crucial is the position of your router and its antenna - and you should  experiment with the antenna.  Pointing one way, my signal was 45%,  pointing the opposite way, it was almost always 100%.

2)  If you are having trouble getting a good signal, or your broadband  connection is just very cr*p generally, it's time to reduce the amount  of information you need to buffer by reducing the quality of the Iplayer  programmes.  Don't worry - the effect is noticeable to the trained eye,  but won't hamper the viewing pleasure of vaguely normal people.  From  Bravia's Iplayer homepage, go down to "settings" at the bottom, click on  it, then scroll down to "video quality" - click on it, then choose  "normal".  When you have done this click "back" or the return button on  your remote till you are back to the home page.  Then choose your  programme.

3)  Another tip, if you're not impatient to get viewing, is to pause your  programme at the start for a few minutes (while you make a cup of tea?)  to give the buffering a head start.  This can make "high quality"  viewings less interrupted in my experience.  Though since I've got my  signal up to 100% give or take, I never need to do this.  A combination  of steps 1 and 2 should mean you shouldn't need to resort to this.   Interestingly though, I've never had buffering problems with Lovefilm  because that TESTS your connection and gives you the right settings.   This is how it should work (Sony and BBC take note) - people of my mum  and dad's generation don't want to be faffing doing signal tests,  changing quality settings and doing workarounds.  So sort it!

Finally,  if all I have said, seems too daunting, get someone with a vaguely tech  brain to read this and help you.  Once you've been shown, it will be a  doddle.

Good luck!!!


Any news on this from Sony? Its been a problem for far too long now. Its completely unusable.

ISP: Be - 19Mb/s (Wired connection to the router) and it isn't a problem on the PC.

The player will download the first part of the program at a resonable speed and then continues at snails pace for the rest of the show. By stopping the program, going back to the show page on iplayer, hitting play then seeking to where you left off, the player will then download another big chunk at a resonable speed and then go back to being stupidly slow.

I have to agree with the users who posted graphs showing this behaivour and come to the same conclusion, this could well be due to the change to stop getiplayer by limiting the bandwidth avaliable if the client tries to download the whole show at speed greater than what would be needed to view the program. Because the player will donwload as fast as possible into the future, the bbc servers then slow it down after a period of time.

This is why the lower the quality you select, the furture into the program you can get before the probelms start. And once they start its a very long wait to finish the program.

Message was edited by: willl1987

Just registering my problems with this too.


Constant 10 mbs connection

Sony BDP S370

Iplayer perfornance has become intolerable. It starts off fast and buffers well, but after a few mins the  programmes start pausing and buffering at a snail's pace. Becomes unwatchable. This is on SD. No such problems with Iplayer on my Imac. The Channel 5 player doesn't suffer the same issues though.

Same problem here. BDP-S370 - will have to check firmware version when at home, but I know I had an update in January and regularly do a check for updates so believe it's current (no itv player/4od yet tho!)

The player is connected via 100Mbps ethernet to a BT HomeHub 3 (the one that works!) and onwards to a FTTC connection that consistently delivered 27-34 Mbps downstream, 7-8 Mbps upstream.

I can go into iplayer and select an HD program and it starts near instantly 🙂 Last night I was going this and the first 30 mins of the prog was fine. But during the second part the program stopped multiple times. Each time I left it for a minute and with no progress ended up having to go BACK to the program list and reselecting and then having to FF. No problem playing but then it happened again -- about 4 or 5 times in total

Last week I was playing HD programs on my samsung internet@tv -- it did NOT have this problem (though it's useless at FF/RW - they screwed that up badly) -- but it's never flinched just playing.

Very disappointed by the lack of response/action by Sony on this. I went onto Amazon and gave the BDP-370 a one star review, and explained why. Maybe if their product ratings start dropping they'll do something about this.

Mark, yes I believe there is a difference between computer streams and internet TV streams.. or at least a difference in the requests the two different types of kit are making.  Or something..

I have e-mailed Sony ask what action they will be taking, got this amusing response:

Dear Mr Stewart

Thank you for your recent e-mail received on 06/02/2011 05.36 PM.

I am pleased to learn that you are the owner of a Sony BDP-S370. However, I am sorry to read of the difficulties that you are experiencing.

I can confirm that there are no known issues with this product. Such issues would be documented within the support section of our website. I recommend performing the latest firmware update for the product, which I have linked for you below:

If the issue still persists, please specify if you experience any error messages, if so, please provide me with the full text of the error message that occurs, including when it occurs and clarify the details that I have requested below:

- Does the issue occur with any other BRAVIA Internet Video services?
- Please specify the nature of the issue that you encounter
- Please specify your Internet service provider
- Please specify the make and model of your router
- Are you using a wired or wireless connection?

I trust that this information is useful to you.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Thorne
Customer Information Centre

Can't believe they consider themselves in a position to "confirm that there are no known issues with the product". I have sent Sony a link to this forum, as it seems they don't read their own support pages!