BDV-E290 Error Messages and Shutdowns

BDV-E290 Error Messages and Shutdowns

Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me, please? I've had a 3D Blu-Ray 5.1 Home Cinema System BDV-E290 for several years now but for the past few days have been having a problem with it. When I turn it on, the LED display keeps alternating between the words "Protect" and "Push PWR" rather than turning on and working properly. So I push the Power button to turn it off and then again to turn it back on. But after a few seconds of starting up (and the main Sony Blu-Ray logo being on screen) it turns itself back off again. Only when I turn it back on a third time does it work properly and everything seems alright.


This has now happened two days in a row, which has understandably worried me.

Community Team

Hi @John134583,


I've checked this for you and found these troubleshooting steps in the manual (see p.48 here😞


“PROTECT” and “PUSH PWR” appear alternately in the front panel display.

Press the power button to turn off the system, and check the following items after “STANDBY” disappears.

  • Are the + and – speaker cords shortcircuited?
  • Are you using only the specified speakers?
  • Is anything blocking the ventilation holes of the system?

If you've tried all of these and the issue still persists, it may need a repair I'm afraid.  You can find more details about this here:




Hi and thanks for your speedy reply. I'll try the steps you've suggested and will see if it helps. Otherwise, I'll either see about getting it repaired or replace it. The funny thing is it actually seems to be working alright today, so it may have sorted itself out.

Hi, the problem's happened again. Regarding the steps in the help article shared, the speakers are definitely the ones which came with the system. Also, they were already wired-up, so I doubt it's a case of the wires short-circuiting or being wired incorrectly. The vent at the back is clear too. So I don't know what's causing the problem.
Community Team

I recommend getting in touch with Support so they can help you with this one and hopefully get to the bottom of it (details here).