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Vtuner not working


Vtuner not working


I have not been able to access vtuner since Friday 5th September, I reported it to sony yesterday and the reply was "Unfortunately, our systems are currently down for maintenance and will be up and running within 24 hours, Please feel free to contact us again at that time.". 

Has anyone else not been able to access vtuner for 4days, it seems that being reliant on just one internet radio supplier may be like putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Having not had the internet radio service for 4 days I feel this is unacceptable, does anyone feel the same?

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So you were not able to return the hifi?.I just cant understand why thery dont let us know what is happening,If they said we had to wait for a while for fix then that would be ok as long as it would be back in the not too distant future.but saying nothing does not look bad.I will be sending my hifi back on monday,And will buy some other hifi.

Response to just receiving an advertising mail from Sony re Vtuner built in to their products: 

You are advertising your goods with Vtuner built in when you know very well you have failed to provide that service since 8th September and worst of all have tried to cover up the real reason for Vtuner going offline by giving all sorts of excuses that are not relevant to the real reasons or ignoring the issue all together. Even my local Sony store say they are unaware of any problem.  Having been a loyal supporter of Sony goods over the years I am disgusted at the way you have dealt with this issue! 
Sent from Samsung Mobile

You can tweet your concerns about this situation to the CEO of Sony in Japan, Kazuo Hirai: @KazHiraiCEO


I bought my chain at amazon, I just post a negative opinion giving the reason. If everyone post negative comments, Sony will perhaps do something.
I understand that vtuner is a third company independent of the will of Sony, but they should be able to offer the use of another service by updating their products.

Sony are lying by saying it's a vTuner server because I can listen to vTuner via other devices such as my laptop and Roberts radio!

Not applicable

Without knowing the details, one cannot say that "Sony is Lying".  It could be a vTuner authentication server - which authenticates Sony devices.......  Therefore would explain why other vTuner services work, but Sony's dont.  (Guess)

I can say that and I just have!


Unless Sony actually tell us what's wrong I will consider them to be lying.


Not applicable

The thing is the word "lying" is the wrong word to use - as they having actually said anything to lie about.  But then again, I find it hard to justify defending Sony on this particular issue, as communications to you guys have been...well...appalling.


In your position, I would also be using a few choice words too.  And now, we're at yet another weekend....


I've written to Kaz Hirai, CEO of Sony, on this issue. In case anyone wants to follow suit, his email addy is [Edited by moderator to remove personal details]


Whilst I'm not expecting him to come flying back with a response, I've often found its better to start at the top and work down rather than the reverse. If I were Kaz I'd be sacking half of the inept customer service muppets for a start. That should help Sony save a few yen and improve thier bottom line.


Fellow sufferers, We should all be Web-Savvy enough to know that posting email addresses on the Web makes them easy to harvest by the spam mafia. And NOBODY likes the spam-mafia or those that support them. So please... keep the suggestions and pressure going. But please don't post email addresses.