Ancient amplifier str-11L

Ancient amplifier str-11L

Hi everyone 


I have a really old but fantastic amplifier that I need some help with but as it's so old I'm not sure if anyone can help?... but I'm hopeful!



Hi @Ellie12345y and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


What type of help do you need?

Hi jumpy

thanks for replying ๐Ÿ™‚


I have this very old but terrific sounding amplifier and due to a house move and misunderstanding with son, this, apart from a turntable, is all I have left!


i don't know much about audio equipment, well actually, I don't know anything๐Ÿ˜Ÿ And now  I need a compatible pairs of speakers and, if poss, a CD player as well.


can't get any help from Sony as it's so old so just reaching out to see if anyone can help......

Hello @Ellie12345y,


would you mind to share a few photos of the connectors on the back of the device?


- Nic

Hello Nic


I thought ear;ier this evening, someone is bound to ask me for photos.....unfortunately it's at my son's place at the moment I will get back to you sometime next week once i can get it back to my place.


I'll send photos as soon as Nic and thanks for your offer of help, it's appreciated.

Hello @Ellie12345y,


don't rush it, maybe I find photos online.


I suspect it uses standard Chinch inputs, so I will be able to recommend you a player.


- Nic

Thanks nic

(For Nic) The schematics from HiFi engine indicate it has inputs on the back, probably phono:



(For the person with the question)

this being the case, literally any cd player (even a portable one) with some kind of audio out (headphone socket or phono socket) will work. I'd recommend having a look on popular second hand/auction sites for "cd player" - literally anything that is black, rectangular face panel, looks like a boxy old vcr/dvd player, will work:


I've obscured the details (sorry) as I don't wish to be seen to be endorsing particular brands, or websites selling these items. Your local second hand shop or even charity shop may well have items like this too.


To connect it up you'll need one of these kinds of cable, depending on what your str11l has on the back and what the cd player has on the front/back:



the top is a headphone socket to phono - the size of headphone socket you get on modern smart phones and portable music players


the middle is a headphone socket you get on older or studio grade equipment


the bottom is probably what you'll need, a cable that goes between the phono on the back of the cd player you buy,and the phono on the str11L.. but don't buy anything until you've sent a pic of the back of the unit, and also obtained a working cd player


or, you could take the approach that the cables are so cheap you might as well at least buy the bottom one (and mayeb the top one is handy to have kicking around too). The middle one is less often encountered




Speakers; probably any from some small hifi will work, they can be connected either way round, so long as you're consistent (always put the same colour wire in the same + or - marked socket. some wires are marked with ribbed lines, or a different colour stripe, rather than being red and black (for example)). if youre not consistent (eg you put the red wire from one speaker into the "left channel +" and the red wire from the other speaker into the "right channel -" ), one speaker will be "pushing" the air while the other is "pulling" and it weakens the bass sound in particular


speakers have an ohm rating and so do amplifiers. writen next to the speaker socket on the back of the str11L will be something like "4 - 16 OHMS", ohms maybe represented by a horseshoe shape. Attach speakers with an impedance rating (also in ohms) inside the stated range/of the stated value. Attaching speakers with a higher impedance is less likely to cause damage but going lower will damage the amp at high volumes. If nothing is marked, go for 8 ohm speakers

Hi all


Thank you all for your help.

I have been patiently waiting for my son to bring my amplifier home, unfortunately he hasn't been able to do so. So i asked him to do a close up photo of the back which he has done.

Now i have to upload the photo to this site, so bear with me.........
