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TRV78E Record Mode without tape


TRV78E Record Mode without tape

We are a church that wants to use the camera to relay services to another hall. At the moment we need to insert a tape to keep the record function activted beyond 5 or 10 minutes. Is there a hidden option to enable record without a tape inserted such as maintenance mode etc?


Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Hi Chip2017 and welcome.


Sadly, older analogue camcorders have an 'auto-off' in the firmware which turns the camera off if it is not recording after 5 to 10 minutes. This is, presumably to save battery but it would have been nice if they turned this feature off when the camera is using mains power.


On some Video 8 models, the fix is simply to leave the cassette door open. It may be worth a try but I don't hold out much hope.


I can only suggest that you keep an eye out for a second hand surveilance camera (with a microphone), or a camcorder that allows video streaming - somewhere like eBay is a good start.




Hi Blenco


Thank you for your reply and some posative news. By leaving the tape holder open it did leave it in record mode BUT it also sent it into demo mode. Now if only I can find a way of turning off demo mode when the tape holder is left open! Again thanks for your response and if you have any more suggestions would love to hear them.

I don't know this camera model but have you tried turning Demo Mode off in the Settings?

