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Stuttering audio in Edit and after export

Stuttering audio in Edit and after export


in pinnacle studio 15 ultimate collection i have a big sound problem

and it solveds with PCLEAC3Decoder but i think it is better if sony

have solved the problem from the beginning

mvh jonny kirasic

Products Affected : Pinnacle_Studio_15
Stuttering audio in Edit and after export with footage from certain Sony cameras

This FAQ applies to Studio version 15.

In some cases it has been reported that files from certain Sony cameras will have stuttering audio in the Edit mode. After playing the file once in the timeline the problem might seem to go away, but the stuttering returns after the project has been exported.  Here is a list of camcorders that create files which seem to have this issue:

  • Sony DCR-SR210
  • Sony DCR-SR77
  • Sony HDR-XR500
  • Sony DCR-SR300
  • Sony DCR-SR100

It is possible that this list is not complete.  There are two possible resolutions:

Have anybody else this problem and solved it


Hi kvarnakullen, welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

Hopefully there'll be someone here with some insight into this, but I'd imagine it would be better to look for help on the Pinnacle forum boards. It's usually the case that issues specific to individual applications end up being solved by the app developers, as we've seen with some iMovie users in recent years.

