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AX53 audio stereo levels not constant balance

AX53 audio stereo levels not constant balance

I have just purchased the AX53 camcorder and I am getting some problems with the audio recording using the inbuilt microphone.

When recording and moving around the stereo volume between left and right speakers will jump up and down with different levels in each ear.

When I am making commentary you can hear a jump in one ear every now and then as I am moving about.

I expect this may be where the microphones are suddenly picking up a difference in volume but this makes it unbearable to listen to and makes the camcorder unusable.

Is there a way to adjust setting to keep both left and right volumes the same or is this a fault with the camcorder.

I will try get an example clip uploaded


Thats fine videos are boring


This was from an external MOVO mic which work fine on my mobile phone and DSLR and it only week old so can see it being the mic.


From internal mic i am getting an in balance between left right volume with left being higher. It bounces about from left to right which when listening through headset is really annoying

Hello @motorhomer,


@motorhomer  schrieb:

This was from an external MOVO mic


I see, if it would have been the internal mic, it would have worried me.


The internal mic has 5 "capsules", only two of which are active during 4K or XAVC-S recording (XAVC-S only supports stereo).


I believe the camera is not meant to be spoken to from behind the camera (there is also a setting to suppres voices from behind, might check that as well) in terms of how the microphones are engineered.


Which recording is the one with the internal mic? I would like to watch the clip with the issue with the internal mic (this time in full).


- Nic

I have two short clips which are not good when listening through headset. also shows up on metering in hitfilm


this one from beginning part till 1:10 min


I do have a full long video which I did, was going to upload as a Vlog but the sound jumping was not great.


If you cant comment from behind the camera and the external mic does not work then its not much use

Hello @motorhomer,


thanks for linking them again, sorry that I didn't follow your post earlier, was quite busy this week.


To me the clip recorded with the internal mic sounds as to be expected - the voice of yours is a little bit louder in the left channel, but since you are holding the camera with your right hand, that is normal in my eyes.


I of course watched the video with headphones and took the left earbud out, your voice is still audible, but of course a little bit less dominant.


If you want to record like that, I would say the easiest way would be to double the left audio channel to both audio channels (if Hitfilm offers that function), then your voice would have the same level on both channels, no matter where you are located in relation to the camera.


- Nic

OK that's possible but not sure I can do this in hitfilm will have to google this


Any ideas why the external mic is breaking up. Seeing as this is new and not much to go wrong with it.


Not many setting to change with the camera for external mics so cant see why its breaking up


Will give it another test tonight when I get home

Hello @motorhomer,


you mentioned that you used the mic on phones and other DSLRs. Does the mic have a TRS or TRRS plug?


- Nic

it has TRS for cameras etc:


and TRRS for phones


I will give this more testing tonight, If I can get this working then the camera may be a keeper.


If I don't reply soon I'm on route home from work so will update later. Thanks so far for all your help

one thing I assume I need to use the TRS cable for this

Hello @motorhomer,


have fun at work. Looking forward to continue this discussion with you - it was really fun so far.


- Nic

Just had another go today with this using the external mic. With TRS cable correct one for this model.

Before connecting up I turned off my voice cancellation and turned off auto wind NR.

Also the rec level was set to 5 notches high

With the external mic plugged in all the audio control settings in the menu become not usable so I expect these are not in play anyway

With all this done I am still getting this breaking up. Currently its not very windy but I think its a slight wind that's doing this.

With out being able to use an external mic and with internal mic poor for walking about recording and in-balance audio this makes this camcorder unusable for what I needed this for.

Appreciate any input you have, maybe something I've overlooked