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KD65AF8 Picture colour changes watching Netflix

KD65AF8 Picture colour changes watching Netflix

Hi! I have recently purchased this magnificent grand OLED TV and have been enjoying for the past 2 weeks. When watching Netflix (mainly) I noticed from time to time the colour changes to what looks like Sepia-ish or tri-tone colours. I had no idea what to do at first and definitely certain it is not a Netflix setting issue.


After fiddling with the remote control: Action Menu > Picture

I found that all I had to do was to just to exit the "Action Menu > Picture" menu by clicking "Back". A few seconds later, it will switch back to normal colours. I have not done any changes to anything doing this. Really strange!


Is this something that can be fixed?

See video here:

This is to show the TV changes colour to sepia-ish for some unknown reason. It seems to only happen when watching Netflix (for me, I have Playstation). To restore to normal picture colours, I only have to browse to "Action Menu -- Picture" and exit the menu interface. Strange!


I’ve been experiencing this for a few weeks on a KD55A1.


It’s almost as if a colour profile is constantly changing and flicking from one to another during a stream. This can happen with scene changes, but equally it will happen during a single scene/camera angle. 

It will flicker from a warm hue to something much cooler. 

It happens with multiple streaming services, including Netflix and Disney+. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed it happen when playing PS5. 

Does anyone have any ideas?!


Thanks in advance.


Did anyone find a solution to this?

Happens on my oled Sony Tv when viewing HDR content on Netflix and Disney+. Constantly switching between tones. It’s a little irritating.

Over the past couple of weeks I too have been the exact same issues as Olioconnor described, with my KD55A1

Community Team

Hey @ the_big, make sure your TV software is up to date. You can also try clearing Netflix's cached data ( Home - Settings - Apps - Netflix - Clear Cache & Data )



The software is automatically updated by the TV but on this occasion I manually checked. In addition, this issue, for me at least, happens mostly in Disney +.

So far Netflix behaves as does Amazon Prime

@Piscie I tried your suggestion of clearing the data and cache with Disney + and it worked. 


Thanks for the help!



Does anyone have a solution to this. I've tried the cache clear and it hasn't fully worked.

In addition to other people's comments I can add that mine does it when flicking between CGI imagary and none CGI. But it happened for the last 20 minutes of Avengers Infinity War. And has continued for Endgame. Watching on Disney+

So I may actually have a solution to this even though it only happened yesterday. Poor internet! I double checked and for 4k/IMAX Enhanced stuff a speed of 50+Meg is recommended. Are all of you using WiFi? Or hardwired? What's your broadband speed?

I don't think these colour changes are an internet issue. I am hardwired on a 300Mbps fibre to the home connection.


I get the same issue on my XG9005 when watching Netflix Dolby Vision. It only does it with Dolby Vision as though the metadata is getting messed up or something.


Is another thread about it. I can fix it temporarily by doing a hard reboot of the TV but, it comes back randomly.


I'll try clearing the cache not sure if I tried that.

This is a bug in the TV software that Sony can't be bothered to fix. Has been happening to me for about a year now. The only thing that fixes it is a hard reset. Some of the ideas posted here like clearing caches and resetting to factory settings are obviously nonsense and infuriating. Sony need to fix it and nonsense suggestions are just a distraction from that fact. There is a bug in the TV (or Android OS) handling of dolby vision colour profiles (and the way they interact with apps) that Sony just need to own up to and fix.