KD55A1 - Spotify | Google Movies


KD55A1 - Spotify | Google Movies

Hi Sony,

Although advertised on the front page, I cannot install either Spotify or Google Movies on my brand new A1. When I click on either app, it only displays a preview (no ability to install). I also can't install either of them from the Google Apps store (which is a complete and utter P.O.S). My region is set to the UK.

What's up with this?


To help you resolve your issue please take note of the following:

  • Your TV must be running the latest firmware revision to be sure you have received all possible related fixes. Press HELP on the remote control and verify the current latest revision (v6.2858) for your TV on the top right corner of the help screen.
  • Google Movies is a so called Stock app. Meaning that it is a pre-installed app, there is no reason for you to try to install it. Just make sure you are running the latest revision of the app by verifying if there are any pending updates for it. You can view possible pending updates by opening the Google Play Store (GPS) app and checking under My Apps. The Google Movies app will mention Update on the right lower corner of its app icon. 
  • To use your Spotify app you first need to install it from the GPS app. The first row of apps when opening GPS is usually where you can find the most popular apps, including the Spotify app. If you can’t see it there, then most probably you have installed it already. To verify if that is the case go to: Home > Settings > Apps. Your non-stock apps will load on the top section of all existing apps and modules. Spotify should be listed there. 
  • If you have trouble using the GPS app, you need to describe better for us what exactly it is that you are encountering when opening the app. Also whether you can install any of the other existing apps on GPS. Obviously you must have accepted the T&C by Google and logged into your Google account on the TV during the initial setup.
  • In rare cases, you might be required to reboot your TV’s operating system by holding the POWER button on the remote control for 6 seconds. This ensures any incidental operational or connection faults are cleared out.


Always take into account that the better you can describe the exhibiting issue, the better we are able to assist you. So post back more details if you still have the issue.


  • Your TV must be running the latest firmware revision to be sure you have received all possible related fixes. Press HELP on the remote control and verify the current latest revision (v6.2858) for your TV on the top right corner of the help screen.

Thanks, I updated the TV as soon as I turned it on.


  • Google Movies is a so called Stock app. Meaning that it is a pre-installed app, there is no reason for you to try to install it. Just make sure you are running the latest revision of the app by verifying if there are any pending updates for it. You can view possible pending updates by opening the Google Play Store (GPS) app and checking under My Apps. The Google Movies app will mention Update on the right lower corner of its app icon. 

When I launch the APP, it only gives me a preview, it doesn't fully load, or allowe me to browse anything useful.


  • To use your Spotify app you first need to install it from the GPS app. The first row of apps when opening GPS is usually where you can find the most popular apps, including the Spotify app. If you can’t see it there, then most probably you have installed it already. To verify if that is the case go to: Home > Settings > Apps. Your non-stock apps will load on the top section of all existing apps and modules. Spotify should be listed there. 

It's not listed in the GPS store. It's definteley not installed.


  • If you have trouble using the GPS app, you need to describe better for us what exactly it is that you are encountering when opening the app. Also whether you can install any of the other existing apps on GPS. Obviously you must have accepted the T&C by Google and logged into your Google account on the TV during the initial setup.

I've installed some apps from GPS, but there seems to be a restriction in content I can see.  I have a Guernsey IP address, could this be the issue? I can give you the subnet if you like?


  • In rare cases, you might be required to reboot your TV’s operating system by holding the POWER button on the remote control for 6 seconds. This ensures any incidental operational or connection faults are cleared out.

Thanks, I treid some reboots :slight_smile:


Sorry, one other thing I forgot to add. If I try to claim the Spiderman movie, it comes back with the message "restircted access". Again, this could be the IP address space for Guernsey is restircted?



When I launch the APP, it only gives me a preview, it doesn't fully load, or allowe me to browse anything useful.

Does it launch the trailers? Try pressing either BACK or LEFT or STOP on the Remote Control to stop the trailers and get to the main panel of the Google Movies App.



It's not listed in the GPS store. It's definteley not installed.

To verify if that is the case go to: Home > Settings > Apps. Your non-stock apps will load on the top section of all other apps. Spotify should be listed there. If it's not in the list, then it is not installed. You should easily be able to Search on the GPS app to find it and install it.



I've installed some apps from GPS, but there seems to be a restriction in content I can see.  I have a Guernsey IP address, could this be the issue? I can give you the subnet if you like

You mention restrictions related to your location IP address. Do you mean that your IP is not recognised as a UK Mainland IP address? Otherwise you must have the YouView app and all ITV, BBC , etc. apps. If you don't have those either, possibly the issue is related to your IP address.