kd43xe8004 can't extend memory


kd43xe8004 can't extend memory

Hi guys,

I purchased a brand new 64gb USB stick to extend the memory of my TV, but every time I put the hard drive in the tv asks if I want to register to extend the menu I hit ok it asks to format it I hit ok it attempts to format the drive for about 2 mins then says it can't format said drive.

Strange parts to this are if I remove the drive then plug it back into the TV and go to the storage settings it says the drive is safely removed, huh!?

Then when I plug the drive into my laptop it says it needs formatting but can only see 14mb of the drive, so I have to use a partition manager to wipe the drive and re format it to get the 64gb back, this is very frustrating as I know it's possible, what am I doing wrong? I have reformated the drive to all the fat formats and get the same outcome every time.


Simple answer: The USB module is broken. Give up. Or try your luck with a different USB device, still risking to get other issues in the future (drive unmounting, or apps disappearing, or going read only, you name it). I am in the same identical situation (yeah, we know. It's a disgrace. That's what we get buying Android devices with Mediatek junk. This has been reported since Android 6.0.1 and still it's there).


About the 14MB partition it's because the TV does seem to format the USB key in Ext4 using the GUID/GPT partition table. And that requires a small, first partition in FAT32 (which gets created before formatting). If you do it from a Mac that partition is actually 200MB large.


Hmm, when you spend 1000 pounds on a TV you expect it to work

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I know.. We can only hope the next update will fix it. Sony is taking quite some time to deliver it (in USA they have got an update already weeks ago, just with minor stuff) so hopefully they are working on this and the many other bugs.


Jecht_Sin wrote: "Simple answer: The USB module is broken"


One of the problems seems to be that the average format process takes longer than the hard coded 180 seconds maximum (from log):


06-17 00:58:29.591 E/SettingsStorageService(27211): Failed to format disk:8,0
06-17 00:58:29.591 E/SettingsStorageService(27211): java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Thread Binder:1757_12 gave up waiting for partitionPrivate after 180000ms


Of course, none of this would happen if we were granted the ability to disable encryption (which drastically reduces R/W speeds anyway).


Would any of us accept that Microsoft refused Windows users the ability to have access to admin profile?


For the sake of copyright paranoia and under the disguise of  "user safety", Google and Sony are creating huge amounts of problems power-users could easily fix by themselves.



phturne39 wrote "Hmm, when you spend 1000 pounds on a TV you expect it to work"


It doesn't and Sony does not really care because you only need to extend the memory if are planning to sideload apps, which under their logic is tantamount to piracy endorsement (effectively getting away from the controlled, centralized profit squeezing scheme of Google Play Store).


As they see it, they are not selling you a "TV",  but leasing it's use under their approved terms (noticed the "Google Play" and "Netflix" buttons in the remote?).


Yes but if it is a feature that is there but doesn't work then why apply it, Sony's Twitter feed told me I could do it, as for sideloading apps that's their own fault for not listing them in the android TV store, I mean why not have chrome browser, it's so stupid it's not on there.

Also this feature should make your TV a little more future proof as the app store expands, as 8gb is just not enough space on any piece of tech like this in today's world.


hvalentim wrote:


It doesn't and Sony does not really care because you only need to extend the memory if are planning to sideload apps

That might be one reason but it isn't correct. One can easily eat up the 8GB of free internal memory buying licit stuff. Try to install games like the FF IX remaster, not available for PlayStation. More than half the memory has gone after it.


Also an extended memory would allow to copy stuff in it (from a LAN server for example), like personal videos, or high bitrate HDR demos without to worry to run out of space (or about stuttering via network). Because obviously not only the USB module is broken, but Android TV, at least in the Bravia TVs, doesn't have the hidden file manager either, needed to allow the writing in the external SD card (USB device). There are plenty of (honest) reasons to extend the memory. Included the fact that my USB pendrives have a read speed above 300MB/s (Bytes. Not bits), so I should even gain in performances if working as it had to.


Sure, we can always store them in a USB pen, but it is quite an annoying process, at least in my case. I have only 2 USB ports on my MacBook and one is used for the backup, the other for a disk with my data. So I have to go to the TV, unplug the USB key, unmount one disk, unplug it, b*tch because I unmounted the wrong disk (it happens!), replug it, unmount the other and.. well, I'm sure you have got the idea! I get bored just thinking about it!


Regarding why it fails, I am not sure about anything anymore. Sometime it says it fails formatting, but checking it the USB device is formatted and unplugging and replugging it or rebooting the TV it may work. After that I manage to transfer the internal memory to the external memory. WIth ridiculous performances, and then going Read-Only after a while. The latter also happens with an old 60GB disk I have. The formatting and mounting is fine, I transfer the data, and then it goes Read-Only (again) after few hours or days.


Also, I tried to do the formatting/memory extension of my USB pendrive manually via adb shell. I can manage to format it but then vold doesn't always mount it. And when it does I get the situation above. In few words: it's a total mess.


Jecht_Sin wrote: "That might be one reason but it isn't correct. One can easily eat up the 8GB of free internal memory buying licit stuff.Try to install games..."


I know. But that still falls within my "point".

If people are really into playing games, don't you think they should be buying a "proper" Sony PlayStation 4?

Come on. Are you really endorsing the idea that Android can replaced dedicated consoles?



Sorry my friend I would prefer this thread stayed on topic.

The issue is extending the memory doesn't work and it should as it's a feature Sony endorse be it for sideloading or legitimate reasons.