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KD-55XE9005 - sporadically can not turn on the tv

KD-55XE9005 - sporadically can not turn on the tv

Hello Sony and users.

Please I have a problem with the new TV I have. It's KD-55XE9005 and sporadically I can not turn on the tv. No power, no button working on the remote, no lights on the tv. I have replaced batteries in the remote, no help. Only solution is to disconnect the ac adapter and connect it back and start the tv with remote normaly. I have this problem 2-3times durring the week. I have the last tv update and I have tried this in other wall socket as well, same problem of course. Please I need to know if the ac adapter is defect or the motherboard in the tv? Because it was working normally for the first three weeks. Thank you for any info.


It might be the remote itself! Today when I had the problem with the remote, I have started the TV through my mobile without any problems! And then I was controlling it with the tv remote. My phone has a IR and an app to control it. Please try this and get back to me with the info. Will call the technician with this,he will send me a new remote probably for a start, if anyone can confirm this. Thanks

I have the same problem with my KD-55XE8505. Sometimes it turns on without any problems and then some days there are no reaction. But after a minute or so it turns on with the android animation. Only once where it wouldn't turn on.

I have also tried to change the batteries in the remote, worked for a few days and I thought it was solved, but now it's back to sporadically not turning on.


In my search for a solution I found this and it just describes the problem I have as well. And yes I had an update not too long ago and before that I didn't have any issues(bought it february this year)

Hello, I have talked to the sony technician on phone, told me that there is an update in planing but he had no info about the release date. However I have connected a soundbar from sony on my tv and made a factory reset on the soundbar, I do not know if that's somehow can influence the tv remote or what, but since then the tv can be turn on by  the tv remote everytime. This is really crazy what is going on.  


As I have stated before, if you have the chance please try to turn on the tv with your phone if the remote failed(if you have IR and app for that(xiaomi phones have that)). If that will go without problems, then try to unpair and pair the tv remote again with the tv.