49XD8088 as a pc monitor


49XD8088 as a pc monitor

Got this TV a few weeks ago and have been trying to get my PC to output in 4k via HDMI 2.0 cable.


Tried ports 2, 3 & 4 but the best I get is 1080p which my PC says is the highest resolution the tv is capable of. I beleive the EDID info isnt being boradcast correctly or is just wrong on the TV.


Is there a way to circumvent the EDID inpf or update it?


@hungledink wrote:

Got this TV a few weeks ago and have been trying to get my PC to output in 4k via HDMI 2.0 cable.


Tried ports 2, 3 & 4 but the best I get is 1080p which my PC says is the highest resolution the tv is capable of. I beleive the EDID info isnt being boradcast correctly or is just wrong on the TV.


Is there a way to circumvent the EDID inpf or update it?

What is the make and model of PC? Or if Home brew what is the video card?


And what is it you are trying to output?


There is, of course, no such thing as an HDMI 2.0 cable; devices adhere to HDMI version numbers, cables don't.


But as long as it says High Speed on the sheathing, it should be OK.


YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking
Not applicable

Hi there


In addition to above, is the HDMI port on your PC also HDMI 2.0 compliant?  Also, the length of the HDMI cable can also effect (affect?) things - see this thread below:





I have an 49XD8099. and I can confirm that the tv does work fine as an UHD monitor (and it looks extra cool too!! :smileyhappy:) when connected to my MacBook Pro. So yeah, the problem must be elsewhere as already suggested.