Alpha 6700 button clickiness

Alpha 6700 button clickiness

I'm no expert but just treated myself to the A6700. Not taken any shots yet.


The buttons on the rear of the A6700, compared with those on the A6400, which I also own, have noticeably less of a click sound when you press them. And they don't have as much 'travel', down and up, compared with the A6400's buttons. If you own the 6700, I'm posting this comment to check whether you have found the same thing (and whether you like it compared with the more clicky buttons on the 6400, if you've used that as well).


The lack of a sure 'click' and less travel is particularly noticeable on the Function (Fn) button, the Playback (>) button, and to some extent on button C2, on the top. As for C1 (on the side), I think it has to be deeply set with very little travel to prevent accidentally pressing it.


I'm pretty sure the buttons aren't faulty - but can the buttons on the same model of camera vary slightly? If they're right, I'm sure I'll get used to them, but thought I'd better check to see what others think.



Not applicable

Does it still operate normally but with less click sound? @33250040